This scene depicts Isaac saying goodbye to his family. At this time my understanding that Isaac was the only member of the church in his family, although most others joined later, except his half brother Thomas Wardle Morton. This scene includes his father and motherJohn and Mary, older brother William and younger siblings Hannah and James. John is another brother who is generally forgotten because he passed away before his parents imigrated, but was alive at this time. Also Thomas his oldest half brother. Before Isaac left Hannah, William and Thomas were married. William had two children. As mentioned Joseph did not immigrate, but he did marry and his wife did. He was a member of the church. See the work of Patti Call for more details of this
Thomas was a member, Isaac's parents and he all being baptized before Isaac. All the other siblings were baptized with the exception of Hannah, who was thought to have immigrated to Australia, however it appears she immigrated to Eastern U.S. Pennsylvania. Again see the work of Patti Call. Isaac's farewells probably took place over several days. He does say he returned to his parent's home from Walsall to say goodbye.
This is a place for my genealogy. At this time I am researching Isaac John Wardle History. He was a Mormon handcart pioneer.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Your Heart Will Burn: Scene Four
I think this is probably the only scene which is entirely fiction. It presents William Severn and Mary Astle, who actually marry aboard the Horizon in a few weeks. However as to their romance I know nothing. All I know of them is that they were married on the Horizon and were members of the Martin Handcart Company. However, it was not unusual for relations to take place through the mail during this period when travel was more difficult.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Martin's Cove Plaque
Martin's Cove Plaque
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Your Heart Will Burn Act 1 scene 3
This is a continuation of the reenactment which we performed in the Stevens Creek Ward, mostly among the youth. We tell the story of the Ashtons and Isaac Wardle and the company in general.
Scene 3 introduces us to the Ashtons, and their decision to travel by handcart, even with their mother, Sarah Anne Ashton being pregnant. To William and Sarah were born six daughters. I this seen we see Betsy, 11, Sarah 7, Mary Ann 5 and Elizabeth 3. A daughter between Betsy and Sarah previously passed away. Of course the actors who were cast are older than these ages. There is no record of how the Ashtons heard of the handcart plan. Here I have Edward Martin and William Severn bringing the news. William Severn and Mary Astle were both from Nottingham and they actually marry on the ship Horizon. Details of their relationship are historical fiction. London Bridge and the song are both period.
I am not sure why this didn't come out as one movie, but here is the rest
Scene 3 introduces us to the Ashtons, and their decision to travel by handcart, even with their mother, Sarah Anne Ashton being pregnant. To William and Sarah were born six daughters. I this seen we see Betsy, 11, Sarah 7, Mary Ann 5 and Elizabeth 3. A daughter between Betsy and Sarah previously passed away. Of course the actors who were cast are older than these ages. There is no record of how the Ashtons heard of the handcart plan. Here I have Edward Martin and William Severn bringing the news. William Severn and Mary Astle were both from Nottingham and they actually marry on the ship Horizon. Details of their relationship are historical fiction. London Bridge and the song are both period.
I am not sure why this didn't come out as one movie, but here is the rest
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Your Heart Will Burn Act 1 scene 2
Scene two follows Isaac and his conversion to the gospel. Again I have President Richards teaching him when it actually was Frederick Smith. Isaac talks about not being able to read, which is an accurate portrayal. He did not have the opportunity to attend school much. He does talk about his finances and traveling to Zion. He went to work in the coal at Walsall so as to raise more money. I think this mine may have paid more as the conditions weren't as nice. When I wrote this musical, I was under the impression that Isaac was the first of his family to convert to the Gospel. I was wrong in this assumption. Many family members converted in the Whitwick Branch, his mother being the first.
Your Heart Will Burn: Act 1 overture and scene 1.
15 years ago I wrote a musical of the handcarts, which we produced in our ward, Stevens Creek Ward. I told the stories of Isaac and the Ashtons as well as the company. The program is in this post:
Please remember that this was a ward production, and I was directing. We have our flaws, but overall I think it is done well. If not for Susan McGhie, who made the video, we would not have a record of the musical. I will be correcting some of the historical mistakes I have found. I am putting the musical on You Tube a bit at a time and will comment here.
Overture and Act 1 Scene 1: This video has the overture, Joe Eliason on piano and Elaine Morris on violin. Stan Dye introduces the missionaries as President Richards. This was my first artistic license as Isaac says he was taught by Frederick Smith. I have not found any other reference to Frederick Smith. However to avoid multiple cast members, President Richards, president of the European mission, and apostle, is here. This scene shows Isaac and his older brother William in the mines. Isaac began working at the age of seven. He would come home and fall asleep as he ate his dinner. This is presented in the scene. Isaac is portrayed by my son Mark and sings the son "Living Between the Light and the Shadows" which I wrote in high school. I added a verse for Isaac. We also see James and Mary, Isaac's parents.
Please remember that this was a ward production, and I was directing. We have our flaws, but overall I think it is done well. If not for Susan McGhie, who made the video, we would not have a record of the musical. I will be correcting some of the historical mistakes I have found. I am putting the musical on You Tube a bit at a time and will comment here.
Overture and Act 1 Scene 1: This video has the overture, Joe Eliason on piano and Elaine Morris on violin. Stan Dye introduces the missionaries as President Richards. This was my first artistic license as Isaac says he was taught by Frederick Smith. I have not found any other reference to Frederick Smith. However to avoid multiple cast members, President Richards, president of the European mission, and apostle, is here. This scene shows Isaac and his older brother William in the mines. Isaac began working at the age of seven. He would come home and fall asleep as he ate his dinner. This is presented in the scene. Isaac is portrayed by my son Mark and sings the son "Living Between the Light and the Shadows" which I wrote in high school. I added a verse for Isaac. We also see James and Mary, Isaac's parents.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Isaac Wardle History: Chapter 10f
There is no way of
describing everything that happened on the Martin handcart Trip.
However by seeing the pieces, we have a greater appreciation of the
sharp criticism of the church and its leaders was being indulged in for
permitting any company of converts to venture across the Plains with no
more supplies or protection than a hand cart caravan afforded.
old man in the corner sat silent and listened as long as he could stand
it then he arose and said things that no person who heard him will ever
forget. His face was white with emotion yet he spoke calmly,
deliberately, but with great earnestness and sincerity.
said in substance, "I ask you to stop this criticism. You are
discussing a matter you know nothing about. Cold historic facts mean
nothing here for they give no proper interpretation of the questions
involved. Mistake to send the Hand Cart Company out so late in the
season? Yes. But I was in that Company and my wife was in it and Sister
Nellie Unthank whom you have sited was there too. We suffered beyond
anything you can imagine and many died of exposure and starvation, but
did you ever hear a survivor of that Company utter a word of criticism?
Not one of that Company ever apostatized or left the church because
every one of us came through with the absolute knowledge that God lives
for we became acquainted with him in our extremities.
have pulled my hand cart when I was so weak and weary from illness and
lack of food that I could hardly put one foot ahead of the other. I have
looked ahead and seen a patch of sand or a hill slope and I have said I
can go only that far and there I must give up for I cannot pull the
load through it. I have gone on to that sand and when I reached it the
cart began pushing me. I have looked back many times to see who was
pushing my cart but my eyes saw no one. I knew then that the Angels of
God were there.
I sorry that I chose to come by hand cart? No. Neither then nor any
minute of my life since. The price we paid to become acquainted with God
was a privilege to pay and I am thankful that I was privileged to come
in the Martin Hand Cart Company."
speaker was Francis Webster and when he sat down there was not a dry
eye in the room. We were a subdued and chastened lot. Charles H. Mabey
who later became Governor of Utah, arose and voiced the sentiment of all
when he said, "I would gladly pay the same price for the same assurance
of the eternal verities that Brother Webster has." (Palmer)
whole story of the travels and sufferings of the Martin and Tyler
Handcart companies that arrived in Salt Lake City on the Sunday of Nov.
30, 1856, can never be written or told. Sketches and episodes may be
related in brief, but the weather towards the last of the journey was so
intensely cold and the hurrying to get through the mountains to the
valley so great as to preclude any attempt to write up any data of the
journey. (Jones, Sam, CH)
Brother Orson Twelves, who had three family members starve to death on the trek, explained the disaster in this manner:
was a shortage of food because the handcarts couldn’t carry much food.
The company counted on supplementing their supply at Fort Bridger, and
other points along the way and were disappointed… The unusually early
winter was blamed… About one third of the company died… When they were
weakened by starvation they couldn’t stand the cold and froze to death.
(Twelves, CH)
Another brother summarized the hardship in this manner:
had to wade through ice and snow and slush… No one was to blame, it was
a situation beyond control, a miscalculation and a series of disasters.
The oxen died and their loads had to be carried by the people. The more
that died [people] the longer was the delay, for they all had to be
given a decent burial. The cold was terrific. (Teeples, CH)
Daniel Tyler, who was the company chaplain, described the suffering of the saints:
Edward Martin was appointed Captain and I his Counseler and Chaplain.
My health was poor, but when I saw the Suffering of my brethren and
Sisters in consequence of the cold[,] Storms and Scarcity of provisions I
plead might[i]ly with the Lord and I was heal[e]d and became healthier
than I had been for Several years[.] Elder Martin requested me to See
every one out of Camp in the morning and in Camp at night, which I did,
he going a head and looking out Camping places &c. I also had to See
to burying the dead which in our Company amounted to Some thing over
ninety during our over three month travel, out of our Six hundred,
Souls! The heavy Snows Set in at the upper Crossing of the Plat[te]
about the first of Oct. and continued during the rest of the Journey at
intervals the rest of the way… We done our best, and many to day
congratulate us on Saving their lives while others whom by the utmost
exertion we Succeeded in Saving can Scarcely think of any thing too
wicked and false to Say about us. (Tyler CH)
pioneer, who met the family of his brother after arriving gave this
description. “they arrived in Salt Lake about the last of November in
peril[ou]s condition suffering great hardship in their travels across
the plains[.] they were mere skelleton when they arrived in Salt Lake
City[.]” (Barnes, CH) The New York Tribune provided this graphic description of the pioneers and their condition:
of the Hand-Cart trains arrived here last Sunday in a condition which
beggars all description. Winter caught them in the mountains destitute
of clothing and provisions, and had not the relief which was sent from
here reached them, every one of them would have perished. As it is, out
of the 500 which started, one fourth have died, and more than 100 of the
remainder have lost their hands or feet from the effects of the cold.
When they reached here there were not 50 in the train who could help
themselves; the rest were stowed in the bottoms of the wagons which had
been sent for them, ragged and filthy beyond conception; helpless and
despairing they could or would not get out of the wagons to attend to
the calls of nature, and if the weather had not been intensely cold it
would have bred a pestilence. (Deseret News, CH)
late start and frequent delays of the company were the cause for the
tragedy. P.A.M. Taylor summarized handcart immigration in this manner:
fate of the last two companies of 1856 is one of the most celebrated
chapters of Mormon history. They were caught by snow as the crossed the
Rockies and, despite resolute attempts from Utah to relieve them, more
than two hundred died. Faulty timing and the enthusiasm of the leaders
combined to produce disaster. Yet the plan was not a technical
failure. Three companies even in 1856 got through safely, with more
than half of the year’s twenty-two hundred handcart emigrants.
Companies in 1857, 1859 and 1860, to say nothing of groups of east bound
missionaries, used the method with nothing worse than a degree of
hardship which was perhaps an acceptable price for a cheap gathering to
Zion. (Taylor, P.A.M. p 136)
David Roberts summarized the death toll:
true death toll among the Martin Company can never be reckoned… Hafen
and Hafen cite 135 to 150. LDS archivist and historian Mel Bashore, who
has carefully studied the question, sets the toll at 150 to 170.
we take the range of the death toll in the Willie Company as between 66
and 77, and the range in the Martin Company as between 135 and 170,
then the total mortality count in the last two handcart companies
amounts to between 200 and 240… The conclusion is inescapable: the
Mormon catastrophe of 1856 remains far and away the most deadly in the
history of westward migration in the United States. (Roberts p 255)
Martin Company therefore saw about 150 deaths of the 600 pioneers, a
death total in the range of 25 percent. Violet Kimball puts the death
rate at ten percent for all Westward migration between 1841 and 1868.
(Kimball p 148)
course death was not the only consequence. In addition to the deaths,
over 100 had serious health consequences from amputations of limbs due
to frost bite. “There were several young men who had their feet
amputated to save their lives.” (Fullmer, Church History 1)
Gustive Larson sites several individuals in his footnotes with regards to the cause of the disaster:
(H.H. Bancroft History of Utah) summarized the causes of the Hand Cart
disaster as follows: Error in starting late, insufficient number of
able-bodied men in proportion to the numbers in the company, and the
winter setting in earlier and more severe than had been known in the
previous experience of the Utah Colonizer. This author concludes after
his survey of the situation: “Even the worst enemies of Brigham Young
admit that he was in no way to blame for the disaster and that he spared
no efforts to relieve.” Linn (Linn, W.A. The Story of the Mormons)
writing in 1902 and apparently drawing his conclusions from Stenhouse’s
“Tell it All,” emphasizes the lack of preparation for emigrants when
they arrived in Iowa City, the weak features of the cart construction,
and the failure to have supplies in readiness at Fort Laramie as the
primary causes of the disaster. (Larson p 215)
An article published in The Mormon untitled
“Arrival of the Hand-carts at Great Salt Lake City” gives a favorable
description and also provides some insight into the tragedy:
We are informed from other sources that there has been a good deal of
suffering, owing principally to their late start and the unusual
severity of the weather…
When we reflect upon the position of those emigrants, their exposed
condition, and the extreme severity of the weather, we have cause of
gratitude to our heavenly Father for His protecting care over them and
their safe arrival at the place of their destination…
The trouble has been among those who started late. We were not
apprised, until some time after, that companies had started so very late
in the fall, and we must confess, when we heard of it, that we trembled
for the result. We believe that the brethren engaged in the direction
of the emigration used every exertion, and we anxious to take all
through that they possibly could; but we then believed, as well as now,
that much suffering o the emigrants would have been spared, and also a
great deal of unnecessary trouble and expense to our friends in the
valley, if the last companies had staid in Florence, or somewhere on the
knew it to be President Young's views that the emigration should start
early and we wished to carry out those views. Again, it was our own
fixed, decided opinion that the hand-cart trains should start early. Our
reasons were that the project was new; that a great many feeble
persons, as well as women and children, would be along, and that in case
of casualty they would be much safer with an early start. Besides, we
have always believed that more trouble, sickness, and expense was caused
by detention in camp than by anything else. (Mormon, CH)
idea was reflected by Heber C. Kimball of the first Presidency. “If
the immigration could have been carried on as dictated by br. Brigham,
there would have been no trouble.” (Kimball, CH) Brigham Young put the
cause of the tragedy at the feet of those who let them leave late from
the Missouri:
There is not a person, who knows anything about the counsel of the
First Presidency concerning the immigration, but what knows that we have
recommended it to start in season.—True, we have not expressly, and
with a penalty, forbidden the immigration to start late, but hereafter I
am going to lay an injunction and place a penalty, to be suffered by
any Elder or Elders who will start the immigration across the plains
after a given time…
But if, while at the Missouri river, they had received a hint from any
person on this earth, or if even a bird had chirped it in the ears of
brs. Richards and Spencer, they would have known better than to rush
men, women and children on to the prairie in the autumn months, on the
3d of September, to travel over a thousand miles. I repeat that if a
bird had chirped the inconsistency of such a course in their ears, they
would have thought and considered for one moment, and would have stopped
those men, women and children there until another year…
Are those people in the frost and snow by my doings? No, my skirts are
clear of their blood, God knows. If a bird had chirped in br. Franklin's
ears in Florence, and the brethren there had held a council, he would
have stopped the rear companies there… (Young, Brigham CH 2)
of the handcart pioneers felt strengthened, and closer to God as a
result of their handcart experience. The story is told of Francis
Webster, from a Sunday School meeting in Cedar City:
I heard a testimony once that made me tingle to the roots of my hair.
It was in an adult Sunday School class of over fifty men and women.
T. Porter, then Principal of the Branch Normal School, was the teacher
and the subject under discussion was the ill fated hand cart company
that suffered so terribly in the snow in 1856.
should be pointed out that to Brother Webster’s knowledge, none had
left the church. However that was not true of all the handcart company
Although the Martin Company truly exemplified the motto “Faith in Every
Footstep,” it’s member were not unlike any other disparate group of
Latter-day Saints, such as those who made a similar journey at a
different time or those found in a modern ward. There was a majority of
the company, including Francis and Betsy Webster, whose faith seemed to
grow with every step they took. There were also those who trudged
along the trail, their faith little changed by what they experienced.
Finally, there were those whose faith seemed to weaken along the way.
evidence is clear that not everyone came through the experience with
the same certainty that he did. While it is not known that anyone in
the company apostatized directly as a result of the trials they endured
in the cold and snow, there were Martin Company members who subsequently
left the Church. (Orton 2)
of these was Sister Elizabeth Whittear Sermon Camm, whose husband died
on the trek. “Poor fellow, he died in the night and so on, one after
another, passed away; fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, families and
friends, all because through some misguided scheme and speculations,
which will, some day have to be atoned for. Many, many honest souls laid
away in Mother Earth—for what! I do not want to judge.” (Camm, CH 2)
there were many more who, like brother Webster, drew closer to God.
One brother concluded his handcart sacrifices with a hymn and a quote:
How well the Saints rejoice to tell
And count their sufferings o'er.
When they upon Mount Zion dwell
And view the landscape o'er.
And count their sufferings o'er.
When they upon Mount Zion dwell
And view the landscape o'er.
have heard that a lady well known among the saints, once said, while
the surest way of getting to Heaven was under discussion. "When I
approach the Golden Gate, Peter will at once grant me admission when I
cry, "Handcarts!"
hearts are lifted up in praise to God for all his blessings we now
enjoy—& though the handcart episode is one of the unpleasant
expirences of our lives, the schooling that it gave, & the training
of our unpleasant episodes in our lives since then—all have tended to
make our faith in our religion the stronger—& our appreaceation of
Gods own hand dealing to us as a people, more easily discerned. (Jones, Albert, CH 2)
Another brother transposed a famous hymn to express his thoughts about the handcart experience:
What if they died before their trip was o'er?
Happy day. All is well
They will endure. No toil or sorrow more,
With the just in peace they dwell.
And as our lives were spared again
To see the Saints their joys obtain
Come let us make the chorus swell,
All is well, all is well.
Happy day. All is well
They will endure. No toil or sorrow more,
With the just in peace they dwell.
And as our lives were spared again
To see the Saints their joys obtain
Come let us make the chorus swell,
All is well, all is well.
As Francis Webster, several of the handcart members saw the Lord’s intervention. Patience Loader commented:
it seemed the Lords fitted the back for the burden[.] every day we
realised that the hand of God was over us and that he made good his
promices unto us day by day[.] as we Know God our Father has promised us
these blessings if we will call on him in faith[.] we Know that his
promises never fail and this we prooved day by day[.] we Knew that we
had not strength of our own to perform such hardships[.] if our heavenly
Father had not help[ed] us and we prayed unto God continuely for his
help and we allways acknowledged his goodness unto us day by day[.]
Sometimes in the Morning I would feel so tiard and feel that I could not
pull the cart the day through[.] then the still small voice would
w[h]isper in my ear as thy day thy strength shall be[.] this would give
me new strength and energy and thus we traveled on day after day[,] week
after week[,] and for four Month[s] before we reached the valley;…
we allways as[k] God to bless to our use and that it would Strengthen
our bodys day by day so that we could performe our dutys[.] and I can
testefie that our heavenly Father heard and answerd our prayers and we
was blessed with health and Strength day by day to endure the severe
trials we had to pass through on that terrable Journey before we got to
Salt Lake City[.] we Know that if God had not been with us that our
strength would have failed us and our bodys would have been left on the
plains as hundreds of our poor brothers and sisters was[.] (Archer, CH)
Sister Loader Archer also mentioned this experoence, which was likely a heavenly angel:
time in the afternoon a strange Man appeard to me as we was resting[.]
as we got up the hill he came and looked in my face he sais is you
Patience I said yes he said again I thought it was you[.] travel on[,]
there is help for you[.] you will come to a good place there is
plenty[.] with this he was gone he dissapeared[.] I looked but never saw
whare he went[.] this seemed very strange to me. I took this as some
one sent to encurage us and give us strength[.] (ibid)
Another faith promoting experience is that of the Bleak family.
Brother Bleak had been the Branch President in London and had determined
to go by wagon. However when others were following his example, and
shunning the handcarts, he decided to travel by handcart. When this was
announced in his Branch, a sister spoke in tongues, the interpretation
of which was that the entire family would arrive in safety:
Two good sisters, one, an aged widow, the other unmarried, in the
kindness of their womanly hearts, had volunteered to assist the mother
by taking charge of one of the children, at the close of each day's
travel till the following morning. The offer was gratefully accepted and
the four and a half year old, blue eyed, fair haired boy [Thomas Nelson
Bleak], became the chosen one to share the added protection of their
tender care.
morning, after a very cold night, when winter had overtaken the
company, these sisters were horrified to find their little pet lying
between them dead, as they decided, and in this condition they brought
him to his parents. His father, who had already made a fire, took the
child and began by anointing him with consecrated oil, and praying over
him, calling upon the Lord to keep His promise that not one of the
family should fall by the way in gathering to Zion. Tests were applied,
but not a heart beat or other sign of life was in the child. The father
continued to administer, to chafe the limbs and body, and to call upon
the Lord to fulfill His promise. After what appeared to the sympathetic
fellow travelers and suffers as a very long time, the father thought he
saw a slight flutter in the child's throat; this encouraged further
rubbing, chafing and administration until, finally, by God's power and
blessing, the dear child unclosed his eyes and is now a resident of Salt
Lake City, father of nine children and likewise a grandfather. (Bleak,
CH 3)
experience of Ephraim hanks among the Martin Company of itself was
miraculous, from his being called by a voice from heaven, to his
bringing members back from death, or near death. Also his interventions
in providing food, as well us surgical operations in which the sufferer
felt no pain, were a testimony of divine assistance.
Jones further provided some insight into the sacrifice made by the
Saints for the gospel in a discourse for the handcart association in
you gathered to Zion in the humble manner you did—you are of the best
blood the earth affords—what greater claim exists to superiority of
birth—that you have not; when the Patriarch with hands upon your heads,
has with the vision of the seer declared you of the Ephriamic stock.
ye Saints of God in the grand promises made you—since you laid down the
shafts of that rickety old cart you have been blessed—many of you have
been laboring unceasingly since then—you have spent years on
missions—you have in turn gathered your fellow-religionists home to
Zion,—have fought the Indians who sought your lives,—endured persecution
for the Gospels sake—have been in peril both by sea & by land.
Imprisoned & fined for conscience sake—all this and more have you
passed through, scince your entry to these grand vallies to which God in
His mercy has led you…
though the handcart episode is one of the unpleasant expirences of our
lives, the schooling that it gave, & the training of our unpleasant
episodes in our lives since then—all have tended to make our faith in
our religion the stronger—& our appreaceation of Gods own hand
dealing to us as a people, more easily discerned. (Jones, Albert, CH
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Book Review: More than Miracles
More than Miracles: Extraordinary Stories from 17 Miracles.
This book is written by T.C. Christensen, who wrote and produces the movie, and Jolene S. Allphin who authored “Tell my Story Too” and was historical consultant for the movie. It is published by Deseret Book, 2012. It provides more detail on the scenes in the movie. I previously reviewed the movie, which I must admit has a more profound effect, but the book likewise offers several good insights.
One of my complaints was the number “seventeen.” Why call your movie 17 Miracles unless you are consigning yourself to 17 miracles. Christensen explains that people find any number of different experiences they identify as miracles; from five to thirty. I think a better title may have been just “Miracles.” Then people wouldn’t be trying to count. My thought, with regards to the handcarts, is there is no way to put a number on the miracles, as they were so plentiful.
Allphin explains how the ship Horizon had to return to port for a time due to the mutiny of the crew aboard the ship. This is something I had not originally realized. She also talks about the premonitions of rescue at Red Buttes, and the announcement that all had to prepare to die made by Edward Martin. A fellow member of our high priest group mentioned he is descended from Jane Bitton Poole and there is a quote from her at this time. After the meeting she decided if she was going to die, she would do so clean and went to the river to wash herself. In returning there was a commotion. She found a brother crying. “She asked him what was wrong. He answered, ‘Aye lassie, we’re saved! We’re saved!’ Jane replied, ‘Then what in the world are you cryin’ for.’” She also talks about the Blue-Winged Angel who came to save them.
Angels were plentiful on that trip, but were not always the heavenly kind. There was heavenly intervention as mentioned by Francis Webster and others. The rescuers were asked if they were angels. And there were times when handcart company members served as angels to each other.
It is interesting how they portrayed “Last Crossing” rather than the crossing at the Sweetwater. I know the pioneers were much affected by this crossing. The movie portrays how this crossing lead to the death of George Padley. In my family history it also had a direct influence on the death of Betsy Ashton, my great-great-great aunt, who family lore says froze her feet at this crossing and died soon afterward. Also with regards to Isaac, we would have at the least pulled Langley across the river in the handcart. If he helped any others, as some of the men, there is no record.
Christensen concludes the book with this line. “…What the surviving record reveals clearly is that those who participated in that epic journey were driven by a faith, diligence, and courage that compel our admiration.” While Allphin concludes, “Many faithful individuals lost limbs and loved ones to the cold, but they recorded strong testimonies of their continuing devotion to God and His Church.”
This book is written by T.C. Christensen, who wrote and produces the movie, and Jolene S. Allphin who authored “Tell my Story Too” and was historical consultant for the movie. It is published by Deseret Book, 2012. It provides more detail on the scenes in the movie. I previously reviewed the movie, which I must admit has a more profound effect, but the book likewise offers several good insights.
One of my complaints was the number “seventeen.” Why call your movie 17 Miracles unless you are consigning yourself to 17 miracles. Christensen explains that people find any number of different experiences they identify as miracles; from five to thirty. I think a better title may have been just “Miracles.” Then people wouldn’t be trying to count. My thought, with regards to the handcarts, is there is no way to put a number on the miracles, as they were so plentiful.
Allphin explains how the ship Horizon had to return to port for a time due to the mutiny of the crew aboard the ship. This is something I had not originally realized. She also talks about the premonitions of rescue at Red Buttes, and the announcement that all had to prepare to die made by Edward Martin. A fellow member of our high priest group mentioned he is descended from Jane Bitton Poole and there is a quote from her at this time. After the meeting she decided if she was going to die, she would do so clean and went to the river to wash herself. In returning there was a commotion. She found a brother crying. “She asked him what was wrong. He answered, ‘Aye lassie, we’re saved! We’re saved!’ Jane replied, ‘Then what in the world are you cryin’ for.’” She also talks about the Blue-Winged Angel who came to save them.
Angels were plentiful on that trip, but were not always the heavenly kind. There was heavenly intervention as mentioned by Francis Webster and others. The rescuers were asked if they were angels. And there were times when handcart company members served as angels to each other.
It is interesting how they portrayed “Last Crossing” rather than the crossing at the Sweetwater. I know the pioneers were much affected by this crossing. The movie portrays how this crossing lead to the death of George Padley. In my family history it also had a direct influence on the death of Betsy Ashton, my great-great-great aunt, who family lore says froze her feet at this crossing and died soon afterward. Also with regards to Isaac, we would have at the least pulled Langley across the river in the handcart. If he helped any others, as some of the men, there is no record.
Christensen concludes the book with this line. “…What the surviving record reveals clearly is that those who participated in that epic journey were driven by a faith, diligence, and courage that compel our admiration.” While Allphin concludes, “Many faithful individuals lost limbs and loved ones to the cold, but they recorded strong testimonies of their continuing devotion to God and His Church.”
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Book Review: ***Hard Road West
Book Review: ***Hard Road West: History and Geology along the California Trail
Why does the trail wander into the Black Hills instead of hugging the Platte. It happens the Platte goes through narrow canyons. The book points out that the river in many places predates the mountains. And that is why you have these narrow canyons like Devil's Gate. The river was there as the mountain rose over millions of years, and slowly cut the chasm.
If you like geology, you would love this book. If you want to understand the Pioneer Trail, and the hardships with the journey, this book is for you as well.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
The Harp of Zion
Book Review: **The Harp of Zion
Thomas Edgar Lyon Jr. wrote an interesting article about the book in BYU Studies 27:1987 "Publishing a Book of Mormon Poetry: The Harp of Zion".
The book was to assist the PEF by selling for more than the cost of printing. Eventually all the volumes were sold, but only after many were sent to Utah. It took some time for the Church to recoup its investment.
A couple deserve mention here. One of these is a poem with regards to the Perpetual Emigration Fund, carrying that name. I encourages people to donate:
The Perpetual Emigrating Fund.
Come on, ye rich, with all your gifted store;
Give to the poor, and God will give you more!
Your feeling hearts, responsive to His call,
Will find His love and blessing best of all:
Yea, tenfold int’rest on the things you have,
And more than all your charities e’er gave!
Why should the rich not help the lab’ring poor?
Both are compell’d to know at mercy’s door!
As well the river scorn the stream and brook
From which it all its swelling greatness took;
Or the great sea retain her liquid store,
Nor give one drop to quench the parched shore;
As wealth withheld accumulated toil,
And say to Poverty,--Starve on the while!
Let richer Saints pour in their glitt’ring gold,
‘Twill pave your way to Zion’s mountain fold!
Ten thousand hearts, with prayerful ardour, seek
The means to live, yet mourn from week to week,
Who could be blest through your beneficence,
To go where labour gains a recompense,
Oh, then! Let love your names in sums record
What you will do for Zion, and the Lord!
Ye poor who labour, learn with pure delight,
How much in value was the widow’s mite!
How farthings multiplied to pence make pounds,
And pounds, to hundreds, thousands—have no bounds!
Till ever Saint reliev’d, and sinner stunned,
Will shout,--LOOK HERE! At this Perpetual Fund!
The author does not have a lot of gathering poems as you would expect, but there are some. These are a couple examples:
Strike the Lyre
Poor outcasts we, still forced to flee,
By mad sectarians driven,
Condemned, despised, robbed, and reviled,
Without an insult given.
For many years we’ve sown in tears,
Yet, dauntless we’ll remain!
With Ephraim blest, we soon shall rest
So strike the Lyre again, again,
So strike the lyre again.
Song of Zion (chorus)
Far away from vain strife
There’s a land in the West,
Where our friends live the best,
‘Tis the Valley of Life!
I want to quote a couple more poems I found enjoyable. One dwells upon helping the poor, but also hits the theme that one needs to develop the means in order to accomplish this:
Practical Religion
With diligence we’ll still pursue
Those acts of grace and mercy due
To toil worn, lab’ring man!
We’ll help the helpless, and secure
The means of life to bless the poor,
And help them all we can.
Cholera was a big killer of the time,
not only in England but around the globe. Poor sanitation conditions
were part of the cause. Cholera was also a culprit along the Pioneer
What wailing’s this I hear, at home abroad?
A strange foreboding of calamity,
Which all men dread, and few can understand:
At which the vulgar stare, and more profane
Would love to jest it out of countenance.
Yet, still it comes with stealthy, murd’rous step;
The grave and gay, alike before it fall;
The learned seem baffled at its dark approach,
And, as an antidote, propose what might
Have been a sure preventative to some,
If timely given! But common charity
Must see its haggard victim breed disease;
And when its influence spreads, retire afraid
At what their sins have made! And say ‘tis DEATH!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Chapter 10e: On to Salt Lake
On to Salt Lake
Saints were in the cove until Sunday, Nov. 9 when they made another
start. They wagon companies had cached most of their goods, freeing the
wagons for transporting frozen pioneers. The handcart pioneers had
also cached much of their goods, and left most of the handcarts behind.
“Nearly all of the handcarts have been left behind.” (Bleak, CH 2)
Since Devil’s Gate, they only had one handcart per tent:
A council was held in which it was decided that we should leave all our
clothing and cooking utensils (except what was absolutely necessary,
such as a blanket to wrap ourselves in and the clothing we stood in) to
be left at Devils Gate and that a number of the brethern who had come
out to meet us should stay to take care of them until spring should open
(when they would be sent for from the valley) and that we leave all our
hand carts, except one to each tent in order to carry our cooking
utensils only.
we made another start, some with bundles on their backs, a number of
others would join together and put them on a handcart. Some would be
crying, others singing, and thus went trudging along as best we could.
(Openshaw, CH)
now only used the covered carts, for cooking utensils and sleep
covers. Langley would have been moved to a wagon, but Isaac indicated
he was one still with a handcart. Others of the other Saints did not
have handcarts, but were still walking. “I pulled for 1130 miles to
Pacific Springs, Wyoming.” (Wardle, CH) Pacific Springs is just past
South Pass.
rescuer reported slow progress. “Our travel was very slow at first.
Five or ten miles a day was all we could make.” (Cluff, Church
History) A few days after leaving the cove, by Nov. 11, Ephraim Hanks
met the handcart company. He was instrumental in saving many of the
Saints. “Very few men—or members of the rescuing party, if any,
surpassed Ephraim Hanks in the services and assistance that he rendered
our company, day and night, until the last one of us reached Salt Lake,
and from that day till this we have been crowning him with thanks and
blessings.” (Rogerson, Church History)
found them just before they stopped for the day. He brought with him
buffalo meat draped over his mule, which he distributed to the
pioneers. Ephraim also talked about his anointments and healings, which
commenced with that first night. He and Daniel Tyler visited the tent
of a man on his death bed at the request of his wife. Brother Tyler
said, ‘I cannot administer to a dead man.” Brother Tyler went back to
bed, leaving Ephraim Hanks to lay out the body. Instead Ephraim
recruited several men to help him warm the body with heated water. He
then anointed him with oil. They then laid their hands on his head and
“commanded him in the name of Jesus Christ to breathe and live.” This
man began to breath, stood up and sang a hymn. His wife went about camp
saying, “My husband was dead, but is now alive. Praised be the name of
God. The man who brought the buffalo meat has healed him.” (Hanks p 50)
You can imagine the general excitement caused by this healing. Ephraim
was then in demand throughout the camp to bless this person or that.
“’Come to me,’ or ‘my dying child’ were some of the requests that were
made of me.” (Ibid) He spent days going from tent to tent administering
to the sick. “The result of this our labor of love certainly redounded
to the honor and glory of a kind and merciful God. In score of
instances when we administered to the sick, and rebuked the diseases in
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the sufferers would rally at once;
they were healed almost instantly. I believe I administered to several
hundred in a single day…” A young man he blessed was healed
immediately, dressed himself and danced a hornpipe on the end board of a
wagon. (ibid)
Isaac made no mention of having been blessed personally by Ephraim
Hanks, but there is no doubt he would have been the witness to not only
the suffering of the Saints, but also the miracles performed in their
behalf. However not even Ephraim could heal everyone, or cure all the
infirmities. Many cases he also served as surgeon:
notwithstanding these manifestations of the Lord's goodness, [m]any of
the immigrants whose extremities were frozen, lost their limbs, either
whole or in part. Many such I washed with water and castile soap, until
the frozen parts would fall off, after which I would sever the shreds
of flesh from the remaining portions of the limbs with my scissors. Some
of the emigrants lost toes, others fingers, and again others whole
hands and feet;… But so far as I remember there were no fresh cases of
frozen limbs after my arrival in camp. (Ibid p 48)
As the train moved toward Salt Lake City, Ephraim stayed with them
and would hunt buffalo. He supplied the pioneers with a good amount of
wasn’t until Nov 14 that it was recorded “No death in camp tonight.”
(Burton, CH 1) As more and more relief wagons were met, the baggage was
transferred into the wagons, the handcarts were abandoned one after
many days after the departure of the companies from Devils Gate they
were met by a train of wagons with supplies from Zion. Following this
train came another and then another and from that time on the road was
kept pretty well opened. As the trains came the number of handcarts
diminished as the aged were taken into wagons and made quite
comfortable. By the time we reached Ft Bridger the entire handcart
people were being carried with their goods, in wagons. (Cluff, Church
they approached the valley, more and more rescuers met them. Isaac may
have been relieved of his duty of hunting for firewood, as often the
fires would already have been started by the “valley boys” before they
reached camp. “As we neared the vallies—younger men—boys in their red
shirts, their trousers thrust well down into their boot tops made their
appearence felling the dry timber for our fires—& even trying to
make merriment to cheer up our gloomy & sorely tried people.”
(Jones, Albert, CH 2) “The Brethern from Salt Lake continued meeting us
and some times, we had a good cheering fire built for us when we got
into camp.” (Camm, CH 2)
On Nov 17 the ox wagons were left behind so they had mule pulled wagons
only, which could travel more quickly; “expect to travel 20 to 25 miles
a day.” (Bleak, Ch 2) As they met more rescuers the handcarts were
left behind. “As the emigrants traveled up the sweet Water and over the
mountain, more relief wagons met them from the valley, and one by one
the hand carts were abandoned.” (Loynd, Ch) It wasn’t until Nov. 19
that Brother Burton records that all the Saints were then in wagons.
This was shortly after leaving the Sweetwater, so would have been close
to South Pass and Pacific Springs. (Burton, CH 1) “In traveling up the
Sweet Water we began to meet teams sent to our aid, which relieved the
situation to such an extent that when we reached the head of the Sweet
Water we were able, on the 19th of November, to get most if not all of
the emigrants in the wagons and from this time on we made good time.”
(Burton, CH 2) Thomas Steed, one of the rescuers, mentions that after
having pulled back to fort Bridger, he and a group with their wagons met
the handcart company at Pacific Springs. (Steed, CH)
A rescuer who met the handcart company at Fort Bridger recorded, “This
was the saddest sight I have seen. The biggest part of them were given
out and nearly frozen to death; some with their feet frozen, some with
their hands frozen. It was a sight that would make one's heart ache
just to look at them.” (Wadsworth, CH)
Eventually the pioneers were allowed to sleep in the wagons at night. However this was not always a blessing:
good brother that award [owned] the wagon told us that we could sleep
in his wagon and he would make a hole in the snow and make his bed
there[.] he thought we would be warmer in the wagon[.] we made our bed
there but we only had one old quilt to lie on and in the night I woke up
and called to Mother I am freezing[.] the side I had laid on was so
benomed [benumbed] with cold Mother got up and helped me out of the
wagon[.] there was some big fiars burning in several places in the camp
and lots of the sisters sit[t]ing and Sleeping near the fiar to Keep
warm So I went to the fiar and staid there the remain[d]er of the
night[.] (Archer, CH)
Afterwards Patience learned that if you but some coals from the fire in
a bucket, and brought them to the wagon, you could sleep comfortable
enough. (ibid) Brother Allred, one of these rescuers recorded this
after all the Saints were in wagons:
18th. The teams having all arrived we were organized into Companies of
(10's) Tens by wagons—each ten taking up a Company of one hundred as
they were organized in the Handcarts—my ten wagons hauling Capt. Mayo's
company. All could ride, altho. much crowded. We then set out for the
City with this half starved, half frozen and almost entirely exausted
Company of about 500 saints. But from that time on they did not suffer
with hunger or fatiegue, but all suffered more or less with cold. As
well as I was provided I even lost my toe nails from frost (Allred, CH)
a week before they arrived in Salt Lake, one of the rescuers wrote a
letter to his family. He offered a description of the pioneers. “I am
setting. not on the stile. mary. but on a sack of oats with the paper on
my knee, by the side of a blazing Camp fire, surrounded by some eight
hundred persons, one old lady lays dead within twenty feet of me, babies
crying. Some singing some praying, &c &c…. The suffering of the
camp from frozen feet and various other causes, I will not attempt to
describe, suffice to any bad. bad.” (Hunter, CH)
they made good time there was still peril going down the mountain to
Salt Lake. “Arriving at the Big Mountain on the evening of the 30th of
November, where the snow had piled up on each side of the road nearly to
the tops of our wagons, which had been kept open by the efforts of our
dear President Brigham Young by the use of ox teams passing up and down
the road.” (Burton, Church History 3) Brother Jones also mentions
going through snow eight feet deep past Little Mountain. (Jones,
Albert, Church History 3) Harvey Cluff remembered a snow bank. “…Near
the summit a cut with shovels had to be made through a snow drift twenty
feet deep.” (Cluff, Church History) During some of this pass, the
pioneers who were able had to get out and walk. “We had to travel over
two mountains before reaching Salt Lake City. One called the large
Mountain and one the little Mountain. All that could was ordered to walk
as it was hard pulling for the animals. They built fires here and there
to warm by.´ (Goodaker, CH) “We had a hard time for the Canyon was full
of snow and it was all we could do to get through. The authorities had
sent out wagons and men from Salt Lake to put up tents, clear the snow
from the ground, and to set the fires to [so] they could start them as
soon as we came in sight. They did and it was a welcome sight to see
them.” (Wadsworth, CH)
before entering the valley, a bushel of onions arrived to them with the
statement, Eat all you want.” It had been some time since they had
heard anyone say this. Burton documents the donation of onions.
(Burton, Church History 4) Isaac later talked of this day. “In
Parley’s Canyon they were camped at a place called, ‘The Dell.’ A group
from Salt Lake City met them with more food which consisted of cold
biscuits and onion. With word from Brigham Young to, ‘Eat all you
want.’ What a wonderful message to a group of people who had not had all
they wanted to eat for weeks.” (Rupp) The Dell, or Little Dell is
about 9 miles up Emigration Canyon, and just over the top of the canyon
into the Parley’s canyon area.
the mouth of Emigration Canyon they were met by a group of Saints. “On
a bright Sunday morning we were met in Emigration Canyon by hundreds of
people in buggies and wagons and horseback to see us.” (Camm, CH 1)
The Handcart Saints arrived on a Sunday afternoon:
were received by the saints, some with tears in their eyes and some
with joy. We were a pitiful sight to see, and for weeks this company was
not allowed to eat much nor to see themselves in a mirror. President
Young met us, and when he saw us he was so melted down with grief at
sight of our condition he had to go home sick, but he blessed us first.
(Clark, Church History 1)
Brother Allred gives a good description of the last few days of the trip, and entering the valley:
geting well started Capt. Grant with a number of others started ahead
to the City leaving Robert T. Burton in Command with me to assist him,
and after hard marches & much suffering, which was however, lessened
by assistance from Salt Lake City in the shape of Cooked provisions
& men to Clear the snow on the mountain passes—making it possible
for our much exausted teams to get along with their heavy loads, we
arrived in the City in triumph. Capt. Burton leading one & I the
other as we moved up the Street in two lines to the Tithing yard where
we were greeted with much praise & a hearty welcome to the City of
the saints where we as well as the new comers could rest from our
labours and our work could follow us. (Allred, CH)
Entering the Valley, the handcart members may have felt much like Johan
Ahmanson, who had preceded them with the Willie Company by a few
forgot the tribulations they had endured upon glimpsing the sudden
vista…. From that distance the city with its light gray adobe houses
looked like a large encampment, and the Salt Lake Valley, which had a
breadth of about thirty miles from east to west, resembled a basin or
dried up lake, with its huge mountain masses ranging upward on all
sides. Although the vegetation was now dead, and the eye of the
observer met only a desolate treeless valley, surrounded by bare,
reddish mountains, yet the impression made by the whole scene was still
very pleasing. (Johan Ahmanson as quoted in Olsen p 176)
Langley Bailey described the arrival in Salt Lake. He had ridden in a wagon since martin’s Cove:
Our emerging from Immigration [Emigration] canyon Sun, Nov. 30 will
never be forgotten. I was lifted up in the wagon, more dead than alive,
and saw in the distance houses. Christopher Columbus and his men were no
more pleased [illegible to rejoice [illegible habitations once more. When [illegible] the city the people were coming out of meeting. Hundreds came and viewed us with much amazement. (Bailey, CH 1)
We arrived in Salt Lake City Sunday noon comming out of immergration
[Immigration] canyon. I was lifted up in the wagon could see houses in
the distance. It <was;> like the Isrealites of old in beholding
the promised land. date Nov 30, 1856. (Bailey, CH 2)
sister noted that they were taken to the Assembly Hall, where, “”the
floor was covered with straw and there was a nice warm fire for us.”
Isaac provided this description of their arrival:
We arrived there Nov. 30, 1856 having taken us Six (6) months and five
(5) days to come from Liverpool England to Salt Lake City U.S.A.
President Brigham Young along with many of the other Brethren and Women
came to welcome us and took us into their homes, fed and warmed us and
gave us warm clean beds to rest our weary bodies. (Wardle, CH)
Friday, September 7, 2012
Chapter 10d: Martin's Cove
Martin’s Cove
The Valley Boys not only provided service at the Sweetwater, but also at the cove this day:
Once the handcart pioneers reached the cove where they were to camp for the night, a great amount of work still needed to be done. Wood had to be gathered, fires built, meals provided, and tents pitched. The rescuers took as much of the burden of these vital needs as possible, with much of this responsibility falling upon those who had taken the weaker members of the company in wagons. Heber McBride recalled that at the cove “the men from Salt Lake would clean off the snow and pitch the tents and get wood for all the families that had lost their Father and then they would help the rest what they could.” Concerning the reunion with his mother who had preceded him to the cove, McBride wrote, “We went into a cove in the mountain and got out of the wind and when we got there the tent was up and Mother and Mrs. [Mary Ann] Barton [were] sitting by a good fire.” McBride further noted that the rescuers “put the tents up and got wood and took care of Mother [who was very ill] and the 3 little ones.” (Orton 2)
Isaac, who had drawn his handcart to the ravine, had still more work to do after they arrived at camp. He was compelled to gather firewood. Hanks [not Hanks who still hadn’t arrived but another valley boy] forced them to go hunt for wood which they found just over a little hill. (Rupp) This incident is told in more detail by a docent at the cove:
Visitor: Can you share about the guy that cut down the tree?
Docent: Well that was Isaac Wardle. Isaac Wardle was a young man; in his early 20s. And uh, he had pulled and pushed, him and another kid about the same age, had pulled and pushed other handcart people, and did everything, and by the time he got up in here in the cove he was just spent and he sat down; and one of the valley boys came over and he said "we need you to go and cut some firewood." And he says "no, I'm not going to. I'm going to just sit here and die." And the valley guy says to him, "no you're not. You're going to get up, and you're going to go down and you're going to go out and you're going to cut down three trees and bring them back for firewood. Here's the ax, and you go do it now." And he says, "no, I'm not going to." And uh, the valley boy insisted the next time, almost physically insisted. And he got him up; and he kept coming here and he cut down three trees somewhere. We think we have identified the stump according to President Hinckley. And there are stumps. And he cut down those three trees. And later in life in his journal he said it was that act that preserved his life. Otherwise he would have; and he thanked, in his journal, that valley boy, that insisted he get up and make that happen. And that saved his life. (aProductofUSA)
This story is also told in the blog of someone who participated in a modern-day trek:
Isaac Wardle, was freezing and starving in Martin's Cove in November of 1856. He thought he was at his end. One of the rescuers asked him to go chop down a tree for firewood before he sat down. Isaac didn't want to and eventually had to be physically forced to go do it. Once done, he was sent back twice to chop down more trees. The process ended up invigorating him and saved his life. These are believed to be two of the three tree stumps that still remain. (Courtney) (see the picture in the introducation)
The handcarts were used to fetch firewood. Some of the valley boys also gathered firewood. (See Broomhead, CH) Isaac was not the only pioneer who had to gather wood, despite the efforts of the valley boys.
When he arrived at the camp, he had to climb the mountain to cut some cedar for firewood. The "boys" of the relief party had cut some wood for the camp, but that was all appropriated before he arrived in camp. So he went on the mountain, and the mountains there are little else than rocks, and he took his little hatchet, for axes were few in camp. Green cedar was of little use. Nothing but dry cedar was really serviceable for fuel, and the dry cedar was almost as hard as iron, while his hatchet had not been ground since he left the Missouri, if it had since he left Iowa city. So I will leave you to imagine how long he was that night before he succeeded in getting fuel for those depending on him. (Jaques, CH)
Isaac would have had the task of setting up their tent that night as well. The wind played a nasty trick with the tents in camp that first night.
Camp was made, tents set, supper over and the people retired for the night when a Snow Storm accompanied by a raging wind from the north came over the mountain and with a terrific whirrl arround the cove levelled every tent to the ground. Here again the Utah boys found that their services verry much needed. To rescue the people from beneath their tents and re-set the tents in the dark hours of the night was a very trying ordeal for the boys and also the people but marvilous as it may seem, not a single person was Seriously injured. (Cluff, Church History)
However it is likely Isaac’s tent did not fall down with all the others. Langley Bailey, in his letter written to Isaac, wrote, “You and me are in much better condissions than we were at this time 60 years ago, I can remember one morning. every tent was blowed down. but ours. You did stake our tent down strong and firm My dear Brother.” (Bailey, Langley)
Another brother noted, “We stayed in the ravine five or six days on reduced rations. One night a windstorm blew down almost every tent. Many perished of cold and hunger at this place. I am not going into detail about the occurrences at Martin's ravine.” (Jones, Samuel, CH)
Pitching tents in the snow was quite a task, and with the Wyoming winds it was even more important to do it well to avoid catastrophe during the night. A young sister commented about the stay in the Cove, “Then, when we camped, they had to scrape a place to camp in and there was not much to make fires with. The rations of food became scarce. There were 4 ounces daily for an adult and 2 for a child and sometimes a little piece of meat. O I’ll never forget it, never!” (Fullmer, CH 2) Another sister said, “The tent was frozen and the ground so hard we could not set it up. I think it was two weeks we were without tents.” (Camm, CH 1) Young Peter McBride described a night their tent fell down from the wind:
The wind blew the tent down. They all crawled out but me. The snow fell on it. I went to sleep and slept warm all night. In the morning I heard someone say, "How many are dead in this tent?" My sister said, "Well, my little brother must be frozen to death in that tent." So they jerked the tent loose, sent it scurrying over the snow. My hair was frozen to the tent. I picked myself up and came out quite alive, to their surprise. (McBride, Peter, CH)
A young sister had a similar experience to Peter:
After pitching our tents we lay down on the ground to get some sleep and rest. In the night the tents all blew over. It was all ice and snow where I was lying, and when the tents blew off I didn’t wake up I was so tired. One man came and looked at me. He called some more men over saying, “I wonder if she is dead?” He patted me on the head and just then I opened my eyes. He jumped back. I tried to raise my head but found that my hair was frozen to the ground. They chopped the ice all around my hair, and I got up and went over to the fire and melted the large pieces of ice that were clinging to my hair. The men laughed to think that I could lie there all night with my hair frozen in the ice, but were very glad that I wasn’t dead. (Allen, CH)
Although the cove provided some protection from the elements, conditions were still extreme. “On our way, we camped at a gulch called "Martin's Ravine". Here we suffered terribly with the cold. It was only with the Power of God that we survived.” (Zundle, CH) The cold was unbearable. The ferocity of the wind, and efforts to combat it were recorded by the rescuers. “The camp moved half a mile nearer the mountain to get out of the wind and to get wood hander. Spint that day in cooking and geting wood and fixing ways to break the wind.” (Broomhead, CH)
However, having the hill in front and the mountains behind did afford some protection from the wind, which protection likely saved lives:
This cove or ravine, was indeed our Valley Forge or graveyard, and though some have censured Captain Martin for taking us there, yet if we had stayed at the Devil's Gate fort it would have been more fatal, on account of the full sweep the bitter cold winds had on us there, and one day or night with the thermometer 11 degrees below zero. Here we had plenty of good cedar wood and shelter on three sides. (Rogerson, CH)
The other goal, of being closer to a ready supply of fuel, was also achieved. “We reached the cove or ravine in time to get our tents pitched before dark, and found plenty of good, dry cedar and pine, close by on the rocks and ledges.” (Rogerson, CH)
However the weather remained cold. “The night was as cold as nearly any we had at the Devil's Gate, and the snow so frozen to the ground that many were not able to clear it out of the tents, so they threw down their buffalo robes and blankets and lay down exhausted. We remained here the evening of Tuesday, Nov. 4 and Nov. 5, 6, 7 and 8—five nights and four days.” (ibid) The temperature was eleven degrees below zero during this time. (Burton, CH 1)
Heber McBride later wrote of the Cove, “we came up this side of Devils gate about 6 miles and camped in a little cove in the mountains where the wind could not have such a clean sweep at us….then was the time to hear children crying for something to eat[.] nearly all the children would cry themselves to sleep every night[.]” (McBride, Heber, CH 2)
The pioneers remembered Martin’s Ravine or Cove with dread. “At this season and at this part of the plains it commenced getting cold, and were again placed on shorter rations of 4 ounces of flour to each person per day. We traveled to the Sweet Waters River where we camped, being so weak and exhausted that it was almost impossible to move. Many of our people while there died of starvations while others froze to death by the wayside.” (Housley, CH) “After this crossing we camped for several days in a deep gulch called ‘Martin's Ravine’. It was a fearful time and place. It was so cold that some of the company came near freezing to death. The sufferings of the people were fearful, and nothing but the power of a merciful God kept them from perishing. The storms continued unabated for some days. (Kingsford CH) “The Company passed off the main road to what was named Martin's Ravine, to escape the terrible blizzards and storms for we had little clothing and had given up all hope; death had taken a heavy tool, the ravine was like an overcrowded tomb, no mortal pen could describe the suffering; such was the condition when word was received that help was on the way.” (Kirkman, CH) Patience Archer added this memory:
“we had avery nice camping place[.] here we remained for nine days as we had to wait untill more provisions came to us[.] what suplys had allready been Sent to us had to be left for the breathren that had to Stay all winter at Devels gate[,] as the cattle had nearly all gave out[,] boath in the wagon company and our company and a great deal of freight had to be left there at Devels gate untill spring[.] and we was on four oz. of flour aday nearly all the time we was in camp on the Sweet water[.] (Archer, CH)
The stay was actually five days. Rations were reduced, as additional relief was longer in arriving than expected due to the storms. The rations went back to four ounces of flour for adults and two for children:
We then went into a canyon where we camped for about three weeks. In a few days after we arrived here our rations were reduced to four ounces of flour per day. This happened on account of a number of the brethern having to stay a[t] Devil’s Gate until spring to guard the effects that the company had left. Having to leave all the flour that it was thought we could do without until we should meet a fresh supply from the valley… (Openshaw, CH)
The oxen and animals continued to die, or were killed and supplied what nourishment they could, but they were very lean. This would not have been very good for Langley’s health issues. “Here nearly all the balance of our oxen died, and several were found each morning dead between the tents, and some with their heads close to the ashes of our campfires. Others were knocked in the head before they did die, cut up and eaten, together with many a pound of rawhide, after roasting off the hair.” (Rogerson, CH) “they began killing the poor oxen that had not died and distributing the hyde and bones among the people to try and keep them from starving[.]” (McBride, Heber, CH 2) “The next day we had nothing to eat but some bark from trees.” (McBride, Peter, CH)
The Valley Boys not only provided service at the Sweetwater, but also at the cove this day:
Once the handcart pioneers reached the cove where they were to camp for the night, a great amount of work still needed to be done. Wood had to be gathered, fires built, meals provided, and tents pitched. The rescuers took as much of the burden of these vital needs as possible, with much of this responsibility falling upon those who had taken the weaker members of the company in wagons. Heber McBride recalled that at the cove “the men from Salt Lake would clean off the snow and pitch the tents and get wood for all the families that had lost their Father and then they would help the rest what they could.” Concerning the reunion with his mother who had preceded him to the cove, McBride wrote, “We went into a cove in the mountain and got out of the wind and when we got there the tent was up and Mother and Mrs. [Mary Ann] Barton [were] sitting by a good fire.” McBride further noted that the rescuers “put the tents up and got wood and took care of Mother [who was very ill] and the 3 little ones.” (Orton 2)
Isaac, who had drawn his handcart to the ravine, had still more work to do after they arrived at camp. He was compelled to gather firewood. Hanks [not Hanks who still hadn’t arrived but another valley boy] forced them to go hunt for wood which they found just over a little hill. (Rupp) This incident is told in more detail by a docent at the cove:
Visitor: Can you share about the guy that cut down the tree?
Docent: Well that was Isaac Wardle. Isaac Wardle was a young man; in his early 20s. And uh, he had pulled and pushed, him and another kid about the same age, had pulled and pushed other handcart people, and did everything, and by the time he got up in here in the cove he was just spent and he sat down; and one of the valley boys came over and he said "we need you to go and cut some firewood." And he says "no, I'm not going to. I'm going to just sit here and die." And the valley guy says to him, "no you're not. You're going to get up, and you're going to go down and you're going to go out and you're going to cut down three trees and bring them back for firewood. Here's the ax, and you go do it now." And he says, "no, I'm not going to." And uh, the valley boy insisted the next time, almost physically insisted. And he got him up; and he kept coming here and he cut down three trees somewhere. We think we have identified the stump according to President Hinckley. And there are stumps. And he cut down those three trees. And later in life in his journal he said it was that act that preserved his life. Otherwise he would have; and he thanked, in his journal, that valley boy, that insisted he get up and make that happen. And that saved his life. (aProductofUSA)
This story is also told in the blog of someone who participated in a modern-day trek:
Isaac Wardle, was freezing and starving in Martin's Cove in November of 1856. He thought he was at his end. One of the rescuers asked him to go chop down a tree for firewood before he sat down. Isaac didn't want to and eventually had to be physically forced to go do it. Once done, he was sent back twice to chop down more trees. The process ended up invigorating him and saved his life. These are believed to be two of the three tree stumps that still remain. (Courtney) (see the picture in the introducation)
The handcarts were used to fetch firewood. Some of the valley boys also gathered firewood. (See Broomhead, CH) Isaac was not the only pioneer who had to gather wood, despite the efforts of the valley boys.
When he arrived at the camp, he had to climb the mountain to cut some cedar for firewood. The "boys" of the relief party had cut some wood for the camp, but that was all appropriated before he arrived in camp. So he went on the mountain, and the mountains there are little else than rocks, and he took his little hatchet, for axes were few in camp. Green cedar was of little use. Nothing but dry cedar was really serviceable for fuel, and the dry cedar was almost as hard as iron, while his hatchet had not been ground since he left the Missouri, if it had since he left Iowa city. So I will leave you to imagine how long he was that night before he succeeded in getting fuel for those depending on him. (Jaques, CH)
Isaac would have had the task of setting up their tent that night as well. The wind played a nasty trick with the tents in camp that first night.
Camp was made, tents set, supper over and the people retired for the night when a Snow Storm accompanied by a raging wind from the north came over the mountain and with a terrific whirrl arround the cove levelled every tent to the ground. Here again the Utah boys found that their services verry much needed. To rescue the people from beneath their tents and re-set the tents in the dark hours of the night was a very trying ordeal for the boys and also the people but marvilous as it may seem, not a single person was Seriously injured. (Cluff, Church History)
However it is likely Isaac’s tent did not fall down with all the others. Langley Bailey, in his letter written to Isaac, wrote, “You and me are in much better condissions than we were at this time 60 years ago, I can remember one morning. every tent was blowed down. but ours. You did stake our tent down strong and firm My dear Brother.” (Bailey, Langley)
Another brother noted, “We stayed in the ravine five or six days on reduced rations. One night a windstorm blew down almost every tent. Many perished of cold and hunger at this place. I am not going into detail about the occurrences at Martin's ravine.” (Jones, Samuel, CH)
Pitching tents in the snow was quite a task, and with the Wyoming winds it was even more important to do it well to avoid catastrophe during the night. A young sister commented about the stay in the Cove, “Then, when we camped, they had to scrape a place to camp in and there was not much to make fires with. The rations of food became scarce. There were 4 ounces daily for an adult and 2 for a child and sometimes a little piece of meat. O I’ll never forget it, never!” (Fullmer, CH 2) Another sister said, “The tent was frozen and the ground so hard we could not set it up. I think it was two weeks we were without tents.” (Camm, CH 1) Young Peter McBride described a night their tent fell down from the wind:
The wind blew the tent down. They all crawled out but me. The snow fell on it. I went to sleep and slept warm all night. In the morning I heard someone say, "How many are dead in this tent?" My sister said, "Well, my little brother must be frozen to death in that tent." So they jerked the tent loose, sent it scurrying over the snow. My hair was frozen to the tent. I picked myself up and came out quite alive, to their surprise. (McBride, Peter, CH)
A young sister had a similar experience to Peter:
After pitching our tents we lay down on the ground to get some sleep and rest. In the night the tents all blew over. It was all ice and snow where I was lying, and when the tents blew off I didn’t wake up I was so tired. One man came and looked at me. He called some more men over saying, “I wonder if she is dead?” He patted me on the head and just then I opened my eyes. He jumped back. I tried to raise my head but found that my hair was frozen to the ground. They chopped the ice all around my hair, and I got up and went over to the fire and melted the large pieces of ice that were clinging to my hair. The men laughed to think that I could lie there all night with my hair frozen in the ice, but were very glad that I wasn’t dead. (Allen, CH)
Although the cove provided some protection from the elements, conditions were still extreme. “On our way, we camped at a gulch called "Martin's Ravine". Here we suffered terribly with the cold. It was only with the Power of God that we survived.” (Zundle, CH) The cold was unbearable. The ferocity of the wind, and efforts to combat it were recorded by the rescuers. “The camp moved half a mile nearer the mountain to get out of the wind and to get wood hander. Spint that day in cooking and geting wood and fixing ways to break the wind.” (Broomhead, CH)
However, having the hill in front and the mountains behind did afford some protection from the wind, which protection likely saved lives:
This cove or ravine, was indeed our Valley Forge or graveyard, and though some have censured Captain Martin for taking us there, yet if we had stayed at the Devil's Gate fort it would have been more fatal, on account of the full sweep the bitter cold winds had on us there, and one day or night with the thermometer 11 degrees below zero. Here we had plenty of good cedar wood and shelter on three sides. (Rogerson, CH)
The other goal, of being closer to a ready supply of fuel, was also achieved. “We reached the cove or ravine in time to get our tents pitched before dark, and found plenty of good, dry cedar and pine, close by on the rocks and ledges.” (Rogerson, CH)
However the weather remained cold. “The night was as cold as nearly any we had at the Devil's Gate, and the snow so frozen to the ground that many were not able to clear it out of the tents, so they threw down their buffalo robes and blankets and lay down exhausted. We remained here the evening of Tuesday, Nov. 4 and Nov. 5, 6, 7 and 8—five nights and four days.” (ibid) The temperature was eleven degrees below zero during this time. (Burton, CH 1)
Heber McBride later wrote of the Cove, “we came up this side of Devils gate about 6 miles and camped in a little cove in the mountains where the wind could not have such a clean sweep at us….then was the time to hear children crying for something to eat[.] nearly all the children would cry themselves to sleep every night[.]” (McBride, Heber, CH 2)
The pioneers remembered Martin’s Ravine or Cove with dread. “At this season and at this part of the plains it commenced getting cold, and were again placed on shorter rations of 4 ounces of flour to each person per day. We traveled to the Sweet Waters River where we camped, being so weak and exhausted that it was almost impossible to move. Many of our people while there died of starvations while others froze to death by the wayside.” (Housley, CH) “After this crossing we camped for several days in a deep gulch called ‘Martin's Ravine’. It was a fearful time and place. It was so cold that some of the company came near freezing to death. The sufferings of the people were fearful, and nothing but the power of a merciful God kept them from perishing. The storms continued unabated for some days. (Kingsford CH) “The Company passed off the main road to what was named Martin's Ravine, to escape the terrible blizzards and storms for we had little clothing and had given up all hope; death had taken a heavy tool, the ravine was like an overcrowded tomb, no mortal pen could describe the suffering; such was the condition when word was received that help was on the way.” (Kirkman, CH) Patience Archer added this memory:
“we had avery nice camping place[.] here we remained for nine days as we had to wait untill more provisions came to us[.] what suplys had allready been Sent to us had to be left for the breathren that had to Stay all winter at Devels gate[,] as the cattle had nearly all gave out[,] boath in the wagon company and our company and a great deal of freight had to be left there at Devels gate untill spring[.] and we was on four oz. of flour aday nearly all the time we was in camp on the Sweet water[.] (Archer, CH)
The stay was actually five days. Rations were reduced, as additional relief was longer in arriving than expected due to the storms. The rations went back to four ounces of flour for adults and two for children:
We then went into a canyon where we camped for about three weeks. In a few days after we arrived here our rations were reduced to four ounces of flour per day. This happened on account of a number of the brethern having to stay a[t] Devil’s Gate until spring to guard the effects that the company had left. Having to leave all the flour that it was thought we could do without until we should meet a fresh supply from the valley… (Openshaw, CH)
The oxen and animals continued to die, or were killed and supplied what nourishment they could, but they were very lean. This would not have been very good for Langley’s health issues. “Here nearly all the balance of our oxen died, and several were found each morning dead between the tents, and some with their heads close to the ashes of our campfires. Others were knocked in the head before they did die, cut up and eaten, together with many a pound of rawhide, after roasting off the hair.” (Rogerson, CH) “they began killing the poor oxen that had not died and distributing the hyde and bones among the people to try and keep them from starving[.]” (McBride, Heber, CH 2) “The next day we had nothing to eat but some bark from trees.” (McBride, Peter, CH)
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Book Review: The Martin Handcart Company at the Sweetwater
Book Review: The Martin Company at the Sweetwater: Another Look. This is an article published in the BYU Studies journal in 2006 (45, no. 3). It was written by Chad M. Orton. This article takes another historical look at the stories we have been told of the crossing at the Sweetwater. The traditional story comes from Solomon F. Kimball who told how three 18-year old boys entered the water and helped the entire company cross the Sweetwater, and have effects from the cold the remainder of their lives, and all eventually dying from the consequences. Brigham Young guaranteed them all Celestial Glory as a result of their sacrifice.
Orton points out that this story, to a great degree, kept the handcart story alive in the minds of the members of the Church. However, factually it does have some lapses. There were more than three boys who entered the water; at least five and maybe more. Others were doing other equally important duties that day. Although those who entered the water were young, their ages varied from twenty-four to sixteen. It is evident the boys did not carry everyone over the river. The invalids were taken in wagons. Some of the men forded the river, often pulling handcarts. The women and children had first claim to being carried over the river, although some men were carried.
It could well be that some of the young men had later health effects as a result—arthritis and such. Many of them had careers which would have been difficult with physical limitations—teamster for instance. They mostly lived long lives, and generally died from other causes.
As to the promise from Brigham Young, it was elsewhere quoted as that they would be immortalized, which they have as thousands go to Martin’s Cover yearly and hear the story of their sacrifice. Some even ford the river with a handcart.
This article lead me to a couple other shorter articles through the bibliography. Belated Emigrants of 1856 by Solomon F Kimball was published in the Improvement Era February 1914. Another is an autobiography of Janneta Ann McBride which is included in “The Story of the McBride Family” by Bruce I. McBride and David B. McBride.
This is an article which provides great insight to this event, and appears to be well researched.
Orton points out that this story, to a great degree, kept the handcart story alive in the minds of the members of the Church. However, factually it does have some lapses. There were more than three boys who entered the water; at least five and maybe more. Others were doing other equally important duties that day. Although those who entered the water were young, their ages varied from twenty-four to sixteen. It is evident the boys did not carry everyone over the river. The invalids were taken in wagons. Some of the men forded the river, often pulling handcarts. The women and children had first claim to being carried over the river, although some men were carried.
It could well be that some of the young men had later health effects as a result—arthritis and such. Many of them had careers which would have been difficult with physical limitations—teamster for instance. They mostly lived long lives, and generally died from other causes.
As to the promise from Brigham Young, it was elsewhere quoted as that they would be immortalized, which they have as thousands go to Martin’s Cover yearly and hear the story of their sacrifice. Some even ford the river with a handcart.
This article lead me to a couple other shorter articles through the bibliography. Belated Emigrants of 1856 by Solomon F Kimball was published in the Improvement Era February 1914. Another is an autobiography of Janneta Ann McBride which is included in “The Story of the McBride Family” by Bruce I. McBride and David B. McBride.
This is an article which provides great insight to this event, and appears to be well researched.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Martin's Cove, Isaac Wardle
This is the transcript and link for docent talk about Isaac Wardle at Martin's Cove.
Visitor: Can you share about the guy that cut down the tree?
Docent: Well that was Isaac Wardle. Isaac Wardle was a young man; in his early 20s. And uh, he had pulled and pushed, him and another kid about the same age, had pulled and pushed other handcart people, and did everything, and by the time he got up in here in the cove he was just spent and he sat down; and one of the valley boys came over and he said "we need you to go and cut some firewood." Ane he says "no, I'm not going to. I'm going to just sit here and die." And the vakkey guy says to him, "no you're not. You're going to get up, and you're going to go down and you're going to go out and you're going to cut down three trees and bring them back for firewood. Here's the ax, and you go do it now." And he says, "no, I'm not going to." And uh, the valley boy insisted the next time, almost physically insisted. And he got him up; and he kept coming here and he cut down three trees somewhere. We think we have identified the stump according to President Hinckley. And there are stumps. And he cut down those three trees. And later in life in his journal he said it was that act that preserved his life. Otherwise he would have; and he thanked, in his journal, that valley boy, that insisted he get up and make that happen. And that saved his life.
The young man who pulled with Isaac was John Bailey, 15. Together they had hauled Langley, John's brother, most of the way across the plains. This day is most likely the day they would have forded the Sweetwater to get into the cove.
Young Isaac Wardle, was freezing and starving in Martin's Cove in November of 1856. He thought he was at his end. One of the rescuers asked him to go chop down a tree for firewood before he sat down. Isaac didn't want to and eventually had to be physically forced to go do it. Once done, he was sent back twice to chop down more trees. The process ended up invigorating him and saved his life. These are believed to be two of the three tree stumps that still remain.
Visitor: Can you share about the guy that cut down the tree?
Docent: Well that was Isaac Wardle. Isaac Wardle was a young man; in his early 20s. And uh, he had pulled and pushed, him and another kid about the same age, had pulled and pushed other handcart people, and did everything, and by the time he got up in here in the cove he was just spent and he sat down; and one of the valley boys came over and he said "we need you to go and cut some firewood." Ane he says "no, I'm not going to. I'm going to just sit here and die." And the vakkey guy says to him, "no you're not. You're going to get up, and you're going to go down and you're going to go out and you're going to cut down three trees and bring them back for firewood. Here's the ax, and you go do it now." And he says, "no, I'm not going to." And uh, the valley boy insisted the next time, almost physically insisted. And he got him up; and he kept coming here and he cut down three trees somewhere. We think we have identified the stump according to President Hinckley. And there are stumps. And he cut down those three trees. And later in life in his journal he said it was that act that preserved his life. Otherwise he would have; and he thanked, in his journal, that valley boy, that insisted he get up and make that happen. And that saved his life.
The young man who pulled with Isaac was John Bailey, 15. Together they had hauled Langley, John's brother, most of the way across the plains. This day is most likely the day they would have forded the Sweetwater to get into the cove.
Young Isaac Wardle, was freezing and starving in Martin's Cove in November of 1856. He thought he was at his end. One of the rescuers asked him to go chop down a tree for firewood before he sat down. Isaac didn't want to and eventually had to be physically forced to go do it. Once done, he was sent back twice to chop down more trees. The process ended up invigorating him and saved his life. These are believed to be two of the three tree stumps that still remain.
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