This scene shows the handcart company moving across Iowa. The children sing "The Handcart Song." The pioneers actually sang this song along the journey. Many documented that the sang it the first day as the left Iowa City. This shows Langley getting sick and being compelled to ride in the handcart. Langley actually became sick before they arrived at Florence, Nebraska. It also shows the child birth of Sarah Ann Ashton, the second daughter born to William and Sarah Ashton with this name. Sarah Anne was actually born later, a day after they were leaving Florence. This is documented by Patience Loader, whose sister had a baby the same day. This would have been at Cutler's Park.
This is a place for my genealogy. At this time I am researching Isaac John Wardle History. He was a Mormon handcart pioneer.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Isaac Letter, March 8, 1879 from Wigan, England
This letter talks about Isaac's being called to Wigan as a branch president and his reaction to this. His experiences visiting the Saints. Just before ending he has advise for young people who are thinking of going on a mission.
IJW to family from Wigan
In corner, Wardle good by aman
Wigan March 8 1879 Lanatier shire [Lancashire] England
My had [head] jurtes [hurts] at present[.] Dear Wives and Children it is With plusher that I have This optunety to Right to you[,] hoping thisse fue Lines Will find you Well as it Leves me at this time With the Exepten of a very Bad Cold Wich I have had for 3 Whicks[.] But I hope as Warme Whather is Coming i shall be Beter soone. i have Not herd from you on home sinc i left[.] But i hope hear Before Long[.] i Did Not knowe Whare to tell you to Wright to me till Nowe so i Excuse you[.] i have been apointed to the Leverpool confrenc to travel unger the Directen of Elder D. Branten[.] i Was at the half year conference Last Shunday With the Church athroities [authorities] in England and We had a good time[.] the [page two] sprit of god Was With us[.] Both speker and hearer felt that god Blesed is servents but i was at this time very Weake to stand up to speek to the Congration[;] But god strantened [strengthened] me for the task[.] i ashure you i feel my Weaknes to full file the position i Now ocpie[occupy][.] at the Meeting During the Day it Was Mothined [motioned] that i Bee presidnt of the Wigan Branc and that i travel thrue all the Branchis from Wigan to Liverpoole[,] a Distence of 70=80 Miles and strenten the santes all Lay in my power[.] i have taken it up on my self to go and see all the santes famelys as a teacher and see Wat I Can Due to strengthen them Wich thay Need very Much[.] I have visited all this Whick[;] found Maney old people that joined the Curch [page three] 35 years a go[.] i find a good Deal of Difrence hear in visiting to What i Dide at home visiting[.] in som plases Whare the Man is in the Church and the Whoman out; some times Whoman in and the Man out With Children Thaken both sids of the qusten[.] this position i Now ocpoie [occupy] is one that Requires both Wisdam and the sprit of god to Due it fatherly and Du my Dutey[.] i told Brother Wit Bills that the Expenc i had got Befor i left home Wood bee of some Worth to me Not Thinking that i shud Need it so soone[.] But I hop that I have got your prayers and that the Bishop and Couneil and the teachers Will pray for me in their presthod Meatings[.] i knowe that i Need them very Muck[.] No one Nose Evethy thing about Wat We have to put up With Excpt he has had [page four]Exprence [experience] in this position[.] if i am Crectly [correctly] in formed it is Much Defrent to What is Was 10 to 15 years a go[.] i have Been to 13 Meetings sinc i left home[.] i Espet to visit all thrue the Districk and then I Will Right to you again[.] good Night[.] Cabed away it is all right[.] Mondy Morning 10 oclock march the 10 1879[.] i Now have time to Right afue Minits More to you Expeting that to be Callad a Way Evry Minit so you see i have Not Much time to Call my honen [own][.] as yet i Du Not knowe When I shall have in travling from house to house[.] i Du Not get Chance to Reed and Right so you Must not think it hard of me: i took my position as president of the Wigan Branch yeastady[;] Was well Receved by the santes[.] [page five] i ashure you i Thaught that god had Chooses the Wjeakes [weakest] of all Man to Lead the people[.] i knowe that i have not had the Esperence as some as had[;] But god as Called me to this position thrue is servents: and i trust in him a Lone to help me to Du my Duty as a Man of god[.] o Begin to Relise What your Bishop Wit Bills as to put up With in part: But he is at home at Night Whear he Can bee With the Lov one at home[.] i have not the privlig[.] i have to trust in the Lord and the kindness of is people for What I heate and Drink and my Bead[.] I think Wat a privleg it is for you to Enjoye the Comforts of Life so library bestoed on you and the sants at home[.] my hart yarnes Whith in me Whan i see my pore Brethen have to go to [page six] go to Whorke in the Morning With out the Comfet [comfort] of the Mortles [mortal] Body[,] Requires thay Work from 10 to 14 houres per Day for 75 cts to $1 and think thay are Duing Well[.] This Wood be if thay had Work all the time[.] but some gets from 2 to 3 per Whick at the most and thay think it Will bee Worst then What it is[.] i have see men from holden Whaine[,] Bro Blacke and anone gasside Com from and thay say that men Cannot get Work at all With the ecption of a Day nou an then[.] it is Not strand [stange] to see from 1 to 200 Men on the streets Conners standing Wating for som thing to turne up[.] 1 Man told me that he had travled 5 Whick to find Work and had not[.] i have bee accosted on the street by Whiming [women] hume [whom] i thought was in good Comfebele [page seven] Circumstaces[,] asking for som think to keep them and their Cildren from starving[.] i have seen all that i Want to Do to satsfie me that god judgment as Bugan in the Nation of the Erth: and I Wood bee glad to get home again But my Mishin is Not filled yet and I due Not Want to Lave till god servents say it is a nuf: so my Dear family Du Not Wurey about me Eney more then What is Right and Natril[.] i have got the same Cros to Ware as my Brethren on thie mishine and We think that god Will be With us in all that We Du if We fathley Du our Duty[.] We think that god thrue is servents Dus manifest is poure and that he Will gather in the Lost sheep of Esrel [Israel] if We fathfuly Du our Duty But this the spirit of god and peracevend [perseverance] to accomplish this[.] tell My yong Brethen [page eight] to get Ready for mishins for agrate many Will have to Come to preach the gospel to this and other Nations[.] tell tham to Reed thine Bible so that When thay are Caled thay Can say som think in faver of god and is kingdom[.] i thought i Read agood Deale but i find i No nothing to What i haut to No[.] Let you Bishop Reed this and if he thinks it is Worth Reeding to the saint in Meating he Can Do so[.] i give me and Bro Jasey Vinsent you praires[.] i knowe that he Need them as Well as my self[.] i Wood lick to see som one from south jorden if it Was But a small Endrigul like my self that had the sprit of god that We Cod in struct Each other in the Dis Charge of our Duties[.] give my Love to all of my Breathen and sisters[.] i start on 2 Whicko vist in a place [can’t tell] [,] good by to you all[.] my adres is at present No 42 Islington Liverpool[,] the same as you Read in the Deseret Newes[.] I J Wardle
[This note is above page four] Tell my breathen that i shod be glad to hear from them Eny time[.] i have Not had time to right to them as yat[.] thay Must forgive Me[.] so No more at present[,] from your husband and father[.]
IJW to family from Wigan
In corner, Wardle good by aman
Wigan March 8 1879 Lanatier shire [Lancashire] England
My had [head] jurtes [hurts] at present[.] Dear Wives and Children it is With plusher that I have This optunety to Right to you[,] hoping thisse fue Lines Will find you Well as it Leves me at this time With the Exepten of a very Bad Cold Wich I have had for 3 Whicks[.] But I hope as Warme Whather is Coming i shall be Beter soone. i have Not herd from you on home sinc i left[.] But i hope hear Before Long[.] i Did Not knowe Whare to tell you to Wright to me till Nowe so i Excuse you[.] i have been apointed to the Leverpool confrenc to travel unger the Directen of Elder D. Branten[.] i Was at the half year conference Last Shunday With the Church athroities [authorities] in England and We had a good time[.] the [page two] sprit of god Was With us[.] Both speker and hearer felt that god Blesed is servents but i was at this time very Weake to stand up to speek to the Congration[;] But god strantened [strengthened] me for the task[.] i ashure you i feel my Weaknes to full file the position i Now ocpie[occupy][.] at the Meeting During the Day it Was Mothined [motioned] that i Bee presidnt of the Wigan Branc and that i travel thrue all the Branchis from Wigan to Liverpoole[,] a Distence of 70=80 Miles and strenten the santes all Lay in my power[.] i have taken it up on my self to go and see all the santes famelys as a teacher and see Wat I Can Due to strengthen them Wich thay Need very Much[.] I have visited all this Whick[;] found Maney old people that joined the Curch [page three] 35 years a go[.] i find a good Deal of Difrence hear in visiting to What i Dide at home visiting[.] in som plases Whare the Man is in the Church and the Whoman out; some times Whoman in and the Man out With Children Thaken both sids of the qusten[.] this position i Now ocpoie [occupy] is one that Requires both Wisdam and the sprit of god to Due it fatherly and Du my Dutey[.] i told Brother Wit Bills that the Expenc i had got Befor i left home Wood bee of some Worth to me Not Thinking that i shud Need it so soone[.] But I hop that I have got your prayers and that the Bishop and Couneil and the teachers Will pray for me in their presthod Meatings[.] i knowe that i Need them very Muck[.] No one Nose Evethy thing about Wat We have to put up With Excpt he has had [page four]Exprence [experience] in this position[.] if i am Crectly [correctly] in formed it is Much Defrent to What is Was 10 to 15 years a go[.] i have Been to 13 Meetings sinc i left home[.] i Espet to visit all thrue the Districk and then I Will Right to you again[.] good Night[.] Cabed away it is all right[.] Mondy Morning 10 oclock march the 10 1879[.] i Now have time to Right afue Minits More to you Expeting that to be Callad a Way Evry Minit so you see i have Not Much time to Call my honen [own][.] as yet i Du Not knowe When I shall have in travling from house to house[.] i Du Not get Chance to Reed and Right so you Must not think it hard of me: i took my position as president of the Wigan Branch yeastady[;] Was well Receved by the santes[.] [page five] i ashure you i Thaught that god had Chooses the Wjeakes [weakest] of all Man to Lead the people[.] i knowe that i have not had the Esperence as some as had[;] But god as Called me to this position thrue is servents: and i trust in him a Lone to help me to Du my Duty as a Man of god[.] o Begin to Relise What your Bishop Wit Bills as to put up With in part: But he is at home at Night Whear he Can bee With the Lov one at home[.] i have not the privlig[.] i have to trust in the Lord and the kindness of is people for What I heate and Drink and my Bead[.] I think Wat a privleg it is for you to Enjoye the Comforts of Life so library bestoed on you and the sants at home[.] my hart yarnes Whith in me Whan i see my pore Brethen have to go to [page six] go to Whorke in the Morning With out the Comfet [comfort] of the Mortles [mortal] Body[,] Requires thay Work from 10 to 14 houres per Day for 75 cts to $1 and think thay are Duing Well[.] This Wood be if thay had Work all the time[.] but some gets from 2 to 3 per Whick at the most and thay think it Will bee Worst then What it is[.] i have see men from holden Whaine[,] Bro Blacke and anone gasside Com from and thay say that men Cannot get Work at all With the ecption of a Day nou an then[.] it is Not strand [stange] to see from 1 to 200 Men on the streets Conners standing Wating for som thing to turne up[.] 1 Man told me that he had travled 5 Whick to find Work and had not[.] i have bee accosted on the street by Whiming [women] hume [whom] i thought was in good Comfebele [page seven] Circumstaces[,] asking for som think to keep them and their Cildren from starving[.] i have seen all that i Want to Do to satsfie me that god judgment as Bugan in the Nation of the Erth: and I Wood bee glad to get home again But my Mishin is Not filled yet and I due Not Want to Lave till god servents say it is a nuf: so my Dear family Du Not Wurey about me Eney more then What is Right and Natril[.] i have got the same Cros to Ware as my Brethren on thie mishine and We think that god Will be With us in all that We Du if We fathley Du our Duty[.] We think that god thrue is servents Dus manifest is poure and that he Will gather in the Lost sheep of Esrel [Israel] if We fathfuly Du our Duty But this the spirit of god and peracevend [perseverance] to accomplish this[.] tell My yong Brethen [page eight] to get Ready for mishins for agrate many Will have to Come to preach the gospel to this and other Nations[.] tell tham to Reed thine Bible so that When thay are Caled thay Can say som think in faver of god and is kingdom[.] i thought i Read agood Deale but i find i No nothing to What i haut to No[.] Let you Bishop Reed this and if he thinks it is Worth Reeding to the saint in Meating he Can Do so[.] i give me and Bro Jasey Vinsent you praires[.] i knowe that he Need them as Well as my self[.] i Wood lick to see som one from south jorden if it Was But a small Endrigul like my self that had the sprit of god that We Cod in struct Each other in the Dis Charge of our Duties[.] give my Love to all of my Breathen and sisters[.] i start on 2 Whicko vist in a place [can’t tell] [,] good by to you all[.] my adres is at present No 42 Islington Liverpool[,] the same as you Read in the Deseret Newes[.] I J Wardle
[This note is above page four] Tell my breathen that i shod be glad to hear from them Eny time[.] i have Not had time to right to them as yat[.] thay Must forgive Me[.] so No more at present[,] from your husband and father[.]
Monday, October 22, 2012
Your Heat Will Burn: Act II scene 1
There is a lot going on in this video. It starts with the entreacte presented by Joe Eliason and Elaine Morris. It then quickly goes to a scene showing the activity in Iowa City, and concludes with the difficulty of the Saints reducing their load to 17 pounds each. It was difficult to sell, when potential buyers knew it would just be left behind anyway.
There is a lot going on in this video. It starts with the entreacte presented by Joe Eliason and Elaine Morris. It then quickly goes to a scene showing the activity in Iowa City, and concludes with the difficulty of the Saints reducing their load to 17 pounds each. It was difficult to sell, when potential buyers knew it would just be left behind anyway.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Your Heart Will Burn: Act 1 Scene 8
This scene is where Elizabeth Ashton passes away. I have discovered since we did the musical that her death was different, actually on board ship but after they had docked at Constitution Wharf, Boston. For more detail please see this previous post:
I like the funeral scene, the spirit dancing. I believe spirits go on after death and try to portray this in this scene and other death scenes in the musical. There is another historical error in this scene with the playing of Taps. Taps was not written for another five years or more as it was written by General Dan Butterfield during the Civil War. This is the scene.
I like the funeral scene, the spirit dancing. I believe spirits go on after death and try to portray this in this scene and other death scenes in the musical. There is another historical error in this scene with the playing of Taps. Taps was not written for another five years or more as it was written by General Dan Butterfield during the Civil War. This is the scene.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Another Letter from Whitwick
The letter is not always in the correct order
Ijw to family
Whitick Lester shear England Feb 17 1878
Dear Wifes[,] it With love and Afacten that i set Doune to Right to you and my Dear Children hoping that this short later May find you in good halth as it leves me[,] Thank god[.] i have viset the graves of my grandfather and is famley at the toune of my Birth and found some old frends that Was glad to see me and Mad me Welcome to shuch as thay to to heat [eat] and handed me The Recrd to find my ansesters Names thay told me that it Cost me 8 shilings and 6 penc[;] But after teling them that i Come 74:42 Miles to get this acount of my ansesters thay said that if i Come so many Miles for that thay Cood Do Watt thay had Dun With [page 2] out pay and thay told Me that i must stay and heat Diner With them and told me to Call any time that i Was that Way[.] i visited all around the tound and found some old acquentes [acquaintances] glad to hear of my father and is famely and of salt Lake Citey and that i had travled so many Miles thay think i have more Exprnenc in travlin then all the pepel in the toune[.] thay is lots of fokes that is 40 to 65 years old Never Been 20 Mills from hom yet thay go to Work for som body Eles from 60 to 75 cents per Day all the Which go hom on Satud Night With this little Money to support Thair family with Brad and Diner Closes [clothes] and the Luctries [luxuries] of Life then go to Church on shunday[;] But [page three] No nomore [know no more] to Day about thing in the Eternel Worlds then thay Did when thay Was 10 years old[.] 1 man told me that Was hapy in that Was But Did Not no any thing about the futher[.] the preacher Was the man to hume thay trusted for all knoleg about havenly Things[.] no tratiges? For them sefes[.] this is the Condition of all i have Talked to on faith. i start in the morning to the Bige toune of Leister to my my unkell Isaac Wardle then to my field of laber[.] I have rought [written] to Bro Budge at Livepool that i ham Noue ready for it[.] i have Been visiting the saints and talking to them in Rauand to the kindem of god here on the Earth. Ben to 5 Meeting[.] spook to the people Both sant and siner Wich give Bery good attention to Wat i had to say to [page four] them[.] i Was glad to Bee in the old meting house and to see the Brethen and sisters once more[;] But Not so glad to see them in the Distres Cirstamnce [circumstances][.] si many of them having No more then $9:50 cts per Weake to Live Han if this is the Condisen of all the fokes in England i know Not Watt thay Will Du[.] my hart brakes for them[.] i Expet that Most of the Elders Now in England Will have to send home for halpe[.] this is Deprent to Watch[.] thay must to Du save all all you Can for Me if i Due Not have help from home knot [know] not Wat i shall Due[.] the Elders Will have to Call on the Wards thay com from if things Du Not Chang[.] so you see that Wat We heard Before i left home is More than true[.] tell Bis Wit Bills to Reed this to the sants so that thay can prepare to meet it if thay are called on so to Du[.] [page five] s i Du Not think i shall Whrite to you Again till i get to my feeld of Laber[.] i hope that all is goine on Wright[.] i think of you A grate Deal[.] i hope that Johnay my Dear Boy Will Bee a good and Afacten sone to you and as a father to my Children my prairs is Morning Nune and Night that god May bles him With health that he may proforme Every Dutey Requried at his hands and to have a Wach care over What i left for him to see to[.] tell D german to Due the very Best he Can With the sheep[.] i have full Confednc that he up to is Dutey and that he Will be on the Watch[.] i say the same to Joseph Egbert[.] Bee a good Boy to me as i am far [page six] a Way from home and have Not the Chanc to see to thngs my self[.] i have Not got home sick yet and hope i shall Not till i filled my Mishin and Been by honered Relesed[.] my Ming is on the Work of god to Wich I have Been Called to Du and thing at home I hardly think of[.] But my Dear family Comes to my Mind With all the focks and the blessing you all in joye[.] my Mounten home Was heaven Dear to me[.] you have herde me sai i Now Can presheate [appreciate] it more then Ever Before[.] give my love to all the my friends as i have many i shall right som leter to[;] my nebers after a little[.] i must Conclud With my kind love to you all and pray god to Bles you and preserve you all from the poure [poer] of the advasary is the prair of your husband and farther and Brother in the gospel of peace[.] Isaac J Wardle
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Your Heart Will Burn: Act 1 scen 7
This is the wedding scene. It was choreographed by Tamara McGhie. There were four weddings on board the Horizon. One of these was Will Severn and Mary Astle. They were usually conducted by church leadership. However there is recorder a wedding of the ship's Captain performing the ceremony. However this likely was a double ceremony as John Jaques did not record this in the company journal.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Isaac's Letters: Letter from Whitwick
Withn Wick Feb 13 1879
Lecster Shier England
Der Wifes and Children[,] it is With plusher that i set Down to let you Nowe how i ham[.] i ham Well thanck god family[.] i hope that this Will find you injoying the Blesing Withes is the grates gift of god to is Mortles hear on hearth[.] i ham now it the hous of my hant [aunt] fran Smith, my father sister[.] She and here husband James Smith is Welle and was glad to see me and Made me Welcom to haney [any] thing that thay had[.] this Was a blessing to me for i Was Weary by travling so many thousand Miles and glad to Bee one Home Whare i loud [allowed] lay Doune and Rest my Wearey Body[.] i have found a grate Deal of Changes sinc i [page two] left hear[.] the hold people that was hear When I Was hear have most all Moved or Dead[.] Every thing Looks as thoe a Blast as Come over the Country and the people Do no Knowe what is the Mater[.] thrad is so Bad that man With famaleys of 5 to 6 in family Make 2$ 50 cts for Weak[.] this is all that thay have to live on[.] you knowe Not Wat povety isin the Valey[.] Brad is 4 ½ cents per pound[;] Beef 17 cts[;] Muten 18 cts[;] poters $1 : 25 lbs for hus[hel] and other thing in pronportion[.] Men Dou Not No Wat to Du and Ware to go to Beter Their Condisen[.] i hard peple gind falt at home before i left but that is all they knowe about hande times falt finder haught to Come heare then thay Wood think that god is Blesing is peple in the Valeys of the Mountins[.] [page three] i have taught since i gote in This plase that god as forsakned it and the sprit of the apost[asy] is heare more than Ever is Was[.] i have had the privleg to Walk a Round to see Colevill and see som fue old friend[.] thay tell me that hundreds of peoples is all most staveing to Deth and Willing to Work But Cant get any to Du[.] i have had young men say to me that if i wood send them Way thay Wood Work for 75 cts for Day for 3 yearz and Bord them them selvs[.] if this is Not the Beginning of god judgments i do No not ware it Will Comenc and i hope that i whall not see it and that [H]is fathful sant may Be gathred home that thay ma Not see it With me and [page four] the time may not Be long that the sants have to sofer [suffer] like thay Du Now in this Cuntry for the Comen Neserys [common necessaries] of life[.] one sister told me that she had not tasted aney Meet for 3 Months and did Not knowe hos to get along But When The Elders Came she Wood give them a Bead to sleep in Wich she had Dun for 28 years[.] i thought Wat a good thing it Wood Bee if Evry Elder that has slep in here house Wood think anuf of the favers Confred on them 2 give This Dear old sister 1 $ apee [a piece] to lete here in joye the same blessing that Enjoy at of haing anuf to Eate[.] if No more my hart brakes to see the pore sants in poverty and no hope of Been [page five] Beter[.] When thay asked me to Eat With Them i Thought how Thank full you and thr Brethen and sisters ought to be to our havnly father for the Blesing you Enjoy at home[.] you No not the povety of the pepel is and i hope and pray you never may see Wat I see[.] Now Behold my hart akes at the site[.] is at the site[.] i Whnt you to try to Bee of good Cheer about me[.] the Lord as Been With me by and Land and see[;] all though i Was very sick on see[.] his spirit [was] With me When I hasked Bro John South to adminater to me[.] the Waves and see cecam came as i Thold him it Wood[.] [page six] i shall Now say some thing to you about my Travling[.] We got to New York in 5 days[.] attended meating Witch ad Bee appointed[.] spock to the peple[.] Dun our Bisnis on the Mondy[.] Whent on Bord tusday[.] started Wensday at 11 Clock[.] the Captin and ofecers Was glad to see us and said that Now We shall go throue al Right fer Not one vessel Ever Went Doun When one of yares Elders was on Bord[.] i Was surprised at this[.] Tould the stuand Not to give us prais[;] But god Was our protecton and we shud go thrue all Right[.] The 4 Night We was Conted on to speck to the pepel Which give good attention all Bu[t] 1[.] i told him [page seven] that We take the Bible for our gide and if he Coud confound us We Wood go home[.] But this he Did Not Du[.] the peple lafed him to [s]Corne and said that he Beter go to school and Slanne Beter send then to try to put Doun the Mormons Eldres[.] this Was New to me But god sprit Was With us and We had the Respect of an Bord [.] the Y vessel Wide all men Wood shun him as a inposter[.] so you see that god Duse strengthen is servants When thay trust in him[.] We a Rived at Liverpool Satady at 2 a m[.] When to the ofis Bro Buges[.] Been out stayed all Night[.] Whent to Meating on Sunday[.] 3 Meeting Was held. We Been Caled on to speek to the pepel[.] We Was [page eight] glad of having the optunity of Raisin our vices in the balef [belief] of godWork in out Native land[.] to see the sants gather around us and Make us Whalkom [welcome] my hart Did Most ackordedly Rejoice[.] the spirit of god was With us and at Evning Mmeting[.] The Word had spred thrue som partes of toun that 2 Elders from slat Lake ad com to preach[.] i felt very Weake to fill the position[.] i apricied I Been the first of the 2 But to my satfactin the Lord Was With us[.] the our sides Was glad that tay come to hear for themsalve[.] i nou am on a visit to my Native toune; Wich privleg Was grant[ed] for 2 Weaks, the i gate [turned over] my field of laber[.] Ware i know Not[.] i shall Wright When I get there[.] goodby for the[.] god bles you all is the prain of your husband and father[.] Isaac J Wardle
Ijw to home
Feb 14 1879
Dearest Martha an and Sophia, John n Ivitez, araminty, William, Joseph, Charles, Hannah and my Dear little Sillas Wardle[;] Good Morning to your all[.] i hope you are all Well as it leve me[.] thank god[.] i thought I Wood say to you that i visiting amont the sant and Du all I Can to Comfel them[.] thay are all glad to see me But feel sorey that thay are poor that thay canot feed Me as thay Wood like to Do[.] i have got 2 Wheaks to visits Before i go to my feld of labr so Du Not Right to me till you hear from Me [tear] Not knowing Wh[ ] [page two] may be Callad to laber as yeat[.] i stayed at Liverpool office 2 Daye and atanded Meeting their[.] came to Coal ville on Mondy Night[.] stayed at a hoetell. Next Morning visitin the Cole min Whare i Worked When i left[.] hear found thing Changed very Much[.] i shall Right More patters When i ahe time and my hade is beter [;] is bad from the mazes of the see and Comes it seems hard for Me to Walk as yet[.] ;et Bro Wet Bills Red this and give love to one and all[.] Thay all seem allik to me[.] When [I] thing of the Dear one at home[.] Give Me your prain that I may be fathfull good[.] by for the present[.] god bles your all[.] [two lines folded over and can’t read]
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
My Mom's memories of William and Annie Sorenson Wardle reunions
Wardle Reunion by: Ileen Wardle
The last week in July of even years was a special time for our family as the Wardle [William Haston and Anne Sorenson] reunion would be held in Pocatello, Idaho at Ross Park. The children enjoyed getting together with their cousins they hadn’t seen since the last reunion.
Everyone brought a special dish and a big pot luck dinner was served. We all looked forward to Aunt Lucy’s delicious German chocolate cake, Aunt Lucille’s fresh raspberries that she had picked the day before from her patch. There were all kinds of salads, baked beans, rolls, chicken, ham and roast beef. Everyone gathered around the table for blessing on the food, fixed our plates, and ate until one could hardly move.
After dinner there were many different kinds of games for the children as the adults watched the sack races, foot races and then a good ballgame was played. Pictures were taken of each family group and then many interesting stories were told of the good old days in the Teton Valley were Grandpa and Grandma Wardle had raised their family. A program was presented with a member from each family presenting a number such as singing, dancing, playing the violin and speaking.
In the later part of the day a genealogy meeting was held and family group sheets were brought up to date. During the meeting most of the children would go swimming. [There was a pool across the street.]
A delightful time was enjoyed by all and families again left for their various homes.
The last week in July of even years was a special time for our family as the Wardle [William Haston and Anne Sorenson] reunion would be held in Pocatello, Idaho at Ross Park. The children enjoyed getting together with their cousins they hadn’t seen since the last reunion.
Everyone brought a special dish and a big pot luck dinner was served. We all looked forward to Aunt Lucy’s delicious German chocolate cake, Aunt Lucille’s fresh raspberries that she had picked the day before from her patch. There were all kinds of salads, baked beans, rolls, chicken, ham and roast beef. Everyone gathered around the table for blessing on the food, fixed our plates, and ate until one could hardly move.
After dinner there were many different kinds of games for the children as the adults watched the sack races, foot races and then a good ballgame was played. Pictures were taken of each family group and then many interesting stories were told of the good old days in the Teton Valley were Grandpa and Grandma Wardle had raised their family. A program was presented with a member from each family presenting a number such as singing, dancing, playing the violin and speaking.
In the later part of the day a genealogy meeting was held and family group sheets were brought up to date. During the meeting most of the children would go swimming. [There was a pool across the street.]
A delightful time was enjoyed by all and families again left for their various homes.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Isaac's Missionary Letters 1879
Three more transcribed letter
IJW letter, from those that were stitched, not including prior pages, no date but talks of being on ship
The see-man say that when thay is anay of the Elder on Bord that thay have no fears but all Will be Right[.] thay say that [not] one Ever Was lost When our people Was With them[.] hoping that these fue lines Will find you all Well as it [is with] Me[.] thank god I have No feares as to hour safety But I have as to you and the Children[.] Martha Sophai gots Bee of good chear[.] All is well with those that put thine trust in god[.] No more at present from your husband and father in good spirits[,] Isaac J Wardle
IJW to family Jan 29, 1879
Jan 29, 1879 New York Bay
[pg one] My Dane famley[,] I have been on bord 24 houres only[.] travel 10 miles the Whaten [White] out[.] Been Deep a nuph to go to see But expect to starte in 3 houres[.] the site I now behold is something that wood make you gase With Wonder[.]
The ship Rodes to Much to right Much but thinking one Word Mite bee of some comfort to you[.] I ahsll do the Best[.] My helth is been good[;] Ever since I lefe home[.] keep your selves in god Cheer Concern me[.] God is with us[.]
[pg two] give my love to all[.] kis the children for me[.] I shall right wen at New York[.] I J Wardle
Ijw to family from New York
Jan 27 1879 New York
My Dear Martha & Sophia, John & Crelez [Crilla Marie] Mentay [Araminta] & William Joseph &Charles Hannah and my Dear little sillas, i set down to Right to let you all Know how I am at present[.] i am Well at this time[.] thank god for this Blesing, hoping that you are all tha same[.] i am Now far a Way from you but I Can see you all the same].] I lass see you all the same it is 2870 Miles that We are anpart but I hope hear long it Will Be ganed younited and that We shall Be preserved fromall Danger thill Whe have finishened our Mishin and I have the privlig to Returne [pagetwo] Home to you all again[.] i have pray god to Bles you all and preserve you that sicknes Nor Deth may Not Make in Rude among you and I hope that I hav got your Best Wahis [wishes] [.] We trakted Night and Day till REacht this City Not having time to Right to you[.] i sent 2 scraps to let you [k]Now that i was all right[.] We came on Express all the Way stopng 10 minits at Ogden 30 at Omaha 40 Chicago 20 at pit burg 15 at pilhadapy arrived at new york shunday at 7 clock[.] Meating Was a painted at 10 oc Wich We attended and myself and B[rother] south [page three] Spoke to the people Wich glad to see us and hear form us and that all is Well in zion[.] We have been this morning and got our Berth No 69 Wich We go to on the 28 at 8 oclock[.] start for at 9 oclock if all is Welle[.] the sants are very kind to us[;] du all thay can for us; invite us to eate With them[.] But have not got plases for us to sleep[.] We stay at hotel at Night Wich cost $2 for Bead[.] I have just got Word of Brother H. Banean sade Rivel at Liverpool England[.] hoping 11 dayes to be their[.] i now shall say to be thankfull that you are in the valey of the Mountanes[.] the Wickness that We see is sickning to Eyes[;] [page four] prostetuetnt on Evry hand, Ralrode in Every place, prafanetz till i thought that god Will Com out of is hiding plase and Chasen this nation[.] i feel More thankful that your lot is Cast with the sants in the valays of the Mountins f[ar] away from the seens[.] i Now bha to give My love to all my frends[.] tell Bro Winseround to Excuse me for not Rithing to him, tim very preshes[.] at present We have Not got time to Eate lastey[.] We have got to viset the sants Before We start Which is our Dutey[.] so No More at present from you husband and father[.] Issac J Wardle to My famley Wright at Liverpool.
IJW letter, from those that were stitched, not including prior pages, no date but talks of being on ship
The see-man say that when thay is anay of the Elder on Bord that thay have no fears but all Will be Right[.] thay say that [not] one Ever Was lost When our people Was With them[.] hoping that these fue lines Will find you all Well as it [is with] Me[.] thank god I have No feares as to hour safety But I have as to you and the Children[.] Martha Sophai gots Bee of good chear[.] All is well with those that put thine trust in god[.] No more at present from your husband and father in good spirits[,] Isaac J Wardle
IJW to family Jan 29, 1879
Jan 29, 1879 New York Bay
[pg one] My Dane famley[,] I have been on bord 24 houres only[.] travel 10 miles the Whaten [White] out[.] Been Deep a nuph to go to see But expect to starte in 3 houres[.] the site I now behold is something that wood make you gase With Wonder[.]
The ship Rodes to Much to right Much but thinking one Word Mite bee of some comfort to you[.] I ahsll do the Best[.] My helth is been good[;] Ever since I lefe home[.] keep your selves in god Cheer Concern me[.] God is with us[.]
[pg two] give my love to all[.] kis the children for me[.] I shall right wen at New York[.] I J Wardle
Ijw to family from New York
Jan 27 1879 New York
My Dear Martha & Sophia, John & Crelez [Crilla Marie] Mentay [Araminta] & William Joseph &Charles Hannah and my Dear little sillas, i set down to Right to let you all Know how I am at present[.] i am Well at this time[.] thank god for this Blesing, hoping that you are all tha same[.] i am Now far a Way from you but I Can see you all the same].] I lass see you all the same it is 2870 Miles that We are anpart but I hope hear long it Will Be ganed younited and that We shall Be preserved fromall Danger thill Whe have finishened our Mishin and I have the privlig to Returne [pagetwo] Home to you all again[.] i have pray god to Bles you all and preserve you that sicknes Nor Deth may Not Make in Rude among you and I hope that I hav got your Best Wahis [wishes] [.] We trakted Night and Day till REacht this City Not having time to Right to you[.] i sent 2 scraps to let you [k]Now that i was all right[.] We came on Express all the Way stopng 10 minits at Ogden 30 at Omaha 40 Chicago 20 at pit burg 15 at pilhadapy arrived at new york shunday at 7 clock[.] Meating Was a painted at 10 oc Wich We attended and myself and B[rother] south [page three] Spoke to the people Wich glad to see us and hear form us and that all is Well in zion[.] We have been this morning and got our Berth No 69 Wich We go to on the 28 at 8 oclock[.] start for at 9 oclock if all is Welle[.] the sants are very kind to us[;] du all thay can for us; invite us to eate With them[.] But have not got plases for us to sleep[.] We stay at hotel at Night Wich cost $2 for Bead[.] I have just got Word of Brother H. Banean sade Rivel at Liverpool England[.] hoping 11 dayes to be their[.] i now shall say to be thankfull that you are in the valey of the Mountanes[.] the Wickness that We see is sickning to Eyes[;] [page four] prostetuetnt on Evry hand, Ralrode in Every place, prafanetz till i thought that god Will Com out of is hiding plase and Chasen this nation[.] i feel More thankful that your lot is Cast with the sants in the valays of the Mountins f[ar] away from the seens[.] i Now bha to give My love to all my frends[.] tell Bro Winseround to Excuse me for not Rithing to him, tim very preshes[.] at present We have Not got time to Eate lastey[.] We have got to viset the sants Before We start Which is our Dutey[.] so No More at present from you husband and father[.] Issac J Wardle to My famley Wright at Liverpool.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Grandma and Grandpa Wardle
Grandma and Grandpa Wardle by: Billy Wardle
James Wilford Wardle Sr. and Melissa Ann Shaw Wardle
We seemed to always spend less time at Grandma and Grandpa Wardle’s than at Grandma Wright’s. I’m not really sure why, except maybe there was more to do at Grandma Wright’s. We knew her neighbors better and there were kids to play with. In Rigby (where Grandma and Grandpa Wardle lived) we had a couple cousins; Sally was only a year or two older than me, but still nobody we enjoyed playing with.
I do have some memories from the Wardle grandparents though. Grandpa Wardle had a lot of neat old things—tool, pictures, letters (with stamps). Sometimes they would talk with Dad about who was who in the pictures.
We always seemed to make it to Rigby about every trip we made to the area. There was always a big box of toys to play with—army men and building logs—as well as a set of dominoes in a desk.
We also played quite a bit of football in the front yard. There was a park a half block away that provided some fun.
One summer, Danny Green spent the summer with Grandma and Grandpa Wardle. As a result, we spent a bit more time there. We went and saw a movie in the Rigby theater about Gladiators. As a result we spent a few days playing Gladiators with stick swords. We really enjoyed ourselves. At the park there was a concrete structure, like an old water fountain or something, which became our Gladiator stadium. One time though, Charlie got hit on the foot with a stick and some lady yelled at us for it.
One time when we visited Grandma and Grandpa Wardle, we stopped by a canal and went skinny dipping. It seems Mom was mad, but Dad had a good time with it.
As Grandpa Wardle got older, we went up there and worked around their place clearing weeds and such things. It seems often their health wasn’t good. Grandma Wardle had problems with her hip.
Once, Grandpa and Grandma Wardle went with us and the Chases to Tony Grove Lake up in Logan Canyon. On the way home they had some car trouble and Grandpa tried to push his car to start it. Dad yelled at him to get in and pushed the care with the pick-up.
We had some good weeks at their place. Their house was heated with coal. The stove was in the kitchen and sometimes we brought coal up from the cellar for them.
They came and spent time with us; Grandma especially after Grandpa died. I remember we tried to get her out. She once went with the family to the Capital Theater in Logan. I guess it was so cold in the theater she didn’t enjoy the show.
Grandma was eventually placed in a rest home in Pocatello. We visited once and helped her eat lunch. She wrote me on my mission that she didn’t like it there and felt betrayed. She died in the rest home while I was on my mission. She had been my last living grandparent.
James Wilford Wardle Sr. and Melissa Ann Shaw Wardle
We seemed to always spend less time at Grandma and Grandpa Wardle’s than at Grandma Wright’s. I’m not really sure why, except maybe there was more to do at Grandma Wright’s. We knew her neighbors better and there were kids to play with. In Rigby (where Grandma and Grandpa Wardle lived) we had a couple cousins; Sally was only a year or two older than me, but still nobody we enjoyed playing with.
I do have some memories from the Wardle grandparents though. Grandpa Wardle had a lot of neat old things—tool, pictures, letters (with stamps). Sometimes they would talk with Dad about who was who in the pictures.
We always seemed to make it to Rigby about every trip we made to the area. There was always a big box of toys to play with—army men and building logs—as well as a set of dominoes in a desk.
We also played quite a bit of football in the front yard. There was a park a half block away that provided some fun.
One summer, Danny Green spent the summer with Grandma and Grandpa Wardle. As a result, we spent a bit more time there. We went and saw a movie in the Rigby theater about Gladiators. As a result we spent a few days playing Gladiators with stick swords. We really enjoyed ourselves. At the park there was a concrete structure, like an old water fountain or something, which became our Gladiator stadium. One time though, Charlie got hit on the foot with a stick and some lady yelled at us for it.
One time when we visited Grandma and Grandpa Wardle, we stopped by a canal and went skinny dipping. It seems Mom was mad, but Dad had a good time with it.
As Grandpa Wardle got older, we went up there and worked around their place clearing weeds and such things. It seems often their health wasn’t good. Grandma Wardle had problems with her hip.
Once, Grandpa and Grandma Wardle went with us and the Chases to Tony Grove Lake up in Logan Canyon. On the way home they had some car trouble and Grandpa tried to push his car to start it. Dad yelled at him to get in and pushed the care with the pick-up.
We had some good weeks at their place. Their house was heated with coal. The stove was in the kitchen and sometimes we brought coal up from the cellar for them.
They came and spent time with us; Grandma especially after Grandpa died. I remember we tried to get her out. She once went with the family to the Capital Theater in Logan. I guess it was so cold in the theater she didn’t enjoy the show.
Grandma was eventually placed in a rest home in Pocatello. We visited once and helped her eat lunch. She wrote me on my mission that she didn’t like it there and felt betrayed. She died in the rest home while I was on my mission. She had been my last living grandparent.
Reflections on Grandma Wright
From: Childhood Experiences of the Wardle Family, edited by Charlie Wardle
Reflections on my Grandmother, Mina Geneve Brandly Wright by: Sara Buff
Grandma was always so very kind, just not to only a few but to all those she came in contact with. I never remember a harsh word coming from her lips; she was a picture of patience, love and caring. Grandma’s neighbors all had a great respect and love for her. When she became ill and [too] old to care completely for herself they were always there to help. And I know they were in their own way trying to pay Grandma back for all she had done for them.
Grandma was a marvelous cook. My favorite was her steamed carrot pudding. I can still remember the aroma that would fill her home when it was cooking. Grandma loved to cook breakfast, and it didn’t matter what hour of the day we would get to her home, she would always ask, “Are you hungry? Let me cook you something to eat.” She was concerned about us after traveling for hours to visit with her.
Grandma’s home was always neat and clean. She had a big player piano in her living room, that I loved to make play. Her home was modest and small but the atmosphere was so genuine. As you walked into Grandma’s front door she had an entry way, where most of her treasured knickknacks were kept. I would spend hours playing and imagining with them. Then you would walk into a large formal dining room. In this room I remember eating many Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. I remember the year I became old enough to eat with the adults and not with the children in the kitchen. Our family spent many pleasant hours in this room. Adjoining the formal dining room was the living room. This is where I would sleep at nights on our visits. Grandma had a green couch that folded down into a bed. It wasn’t too comfortable but I didn’t care because I was with my grandma. The next room was the kitchen. It was really big with a table in the middle of the room. I remember the huge kitchen sink. It wasn’t divided so in order to rinse dishes a big pan was used for the rinse water. Grandma always had food around and always cookies in the big cookie jar. Off from the kitchen was her bedroom. It was also a large room. Grandma had a big bed; it was really high. In this room she kept her sewing machine. She was a good seamstress, and I still wear the aprons she made. Then we venture into the bathroom. I’d just about give anything if I had in my possession that big white bath tub. It was so much fun; it was so deep like a swimming pool. There was what was called the spare bedroom. It was never spare when our family of six visited. I remember it having two big beds in it. It was the bedroom my mom shared with two other sisters.
There are lots of memories with visiting in that old home with grandma. I remember her telling me about her first husband and when they were living in Salt Lake and their home burned to the ground, and they lost everything and had to start all over. Grandma had a lot of courage. Grandma’s grandfather, Thomas E. Jeremy planted the first tree in one of the neighborhoods in Salt Lake, and I’ve had the opportunity to see that tree.
Grandma loved flowers and being outside. She had a lovely yard. It was a lot of fun to play in. She had a big pine tree that I could run under and hide.
Grandma was always honest, always paid her bills. She didn’t want to be indebted to anyone. Her honest was a great virtue.
Grandma was about 5’4” and weighted around 160 lbs. She had grey hair all the time I knew her. When she was younger she had blond hair and was fair complected, the peaches and cream look. My mom says I look a lot like her which is great.
My grandmother died when she was 80 years old and I was 21 years old. She had been a widow for 14 years. My second child was only a few months old. Her death left a great void in my life; but a few weeks before her death, my mom, my two children and I went to Lincoln, Idaho to spend a few days with her. Thank goodness I remembered the camera and I took several pictures. At her funeral I gave her life history. She was my most favorite. I guess you could say she’s my hero and I want to be just like her. My second daughter carries her name, and often I tell my little Geneve stories about how wonderful her great-grandmother was. I hope she can also carry the memories of this wonderful lady.
Reflections on my Grandmother, Mina Geneve Brandly Wright by: Sara Buff
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Uncle Bill's Wedding, Grandpa and Grandma Wright on the left |
Grandma was always so very kind, just not to only a few but to all those she came in contact with. I never remember a harsh word coming from her lips; she was a picture of patience, love and caring. Grandma’s neighbors all had a great respect and love for her. When she became ill and [too] old to care completely for herself they were always there to help. And I know they were in their own way trying to pay Grandma back for all she had done for them.
Grandma was a marvelous cook. My favorite was her steamed carrot pudding. I can still remember the aroma that would fill her home when it was cooking. Grandma loved to cook breakfast, and it didn’t matter what hour of the day we would get to her home, she would always ask, “Are you hungry? Let me cook you something to eat.” She was concerned about us after traveling for hours to visit with her.
Grandma’s home was always neat and clean. She had a big player piano in her living room, that I loved to make play. Her home was modest and small but the atmosphere was so genuine. As you walked into Grandma’s front door she had an entry way, where most of her treasured knickknacks were kept. I would spend hours playing and imagining with them. Then you would walk into a large formal dining room. In this room I remember eating many Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. I remember the year I became old enough to eat with the adults and not with the children in the kitchen. Our family spent many pleasant hours in this room. Adjoining the formal dining room was the living room. This is where I would sleep at nights on our visits. Grandma had a green couch that folded down into a bed. It wasn’t too comfortable but I didn’t care because I was with my grandma. The next room was the kitchen. It was really big with a table in the middle of the room. I remember the huge kitchen sink. It wasn’t divided so in order to rinse dishes a big pan was used for the rinse water. Grandma always had food around and always cookies in the big cookie jar. Off from the kitchen was her bedroom. It was also a large room. Grandma had a big bed; it was really high. In this room she kept her sewing machine. She was a good seamstress, and I still wear the aprons she made. Then we venture into the bathroom. I’d just about give anything if I had in my possession that big white bath tub. It was so much fun; it was so deep like a swimming pool. There was what was called the spare bedroom. It was never spare when our family of six visited. I remember it having two big beds in it. It was the bedroom my mom shared with two other sisters.
There are lots of memories with visiting in that old home with grandma. I remember her telling me about her first husband and when they were living in Salt Lake and their home burned to the ground, and they lost everything and had to start all over. Grandma had a lot of courage. Grandma’s grandfather, Thomas E. Jeremy planted the first tree in one of the neighborhoods in Salt Lake, and I’ve had the opportunity to see that tree.
Grandma loved flowers and being outside. She had a lovely yard. It was a lot of fun to play in. She had a big pine tree that I could run under and hide.
Grandma was always honest, always paid her bills. She didn’t want to be indebted to anyone. Her honest was a great virtue.
Grandma was about 5’4” and weighted around 160 lbs. She had grey hair all the time I knew her. When she was younger she had blond hair and was fair complected, the peaches and cream look. My mom says I look a lot like her which is great.
My grandmother died when she was 80 years old and I was 21 years old. She had been a widow for 14 years. My second child was only a few months old. Her death left a great void in my life; but a few weeks before her death, my mom, my two children and I went to Lincoln, Idaho to spend a few days with her. Thank goodness I remembered the camera and I took several pictures. At her funeral I gave her life history. She was my most favorite. I guess you could say she’s my hero and I want to be just like her. My second daughter carries her name, and often I tell my little Geneve stories about how wonderful her great-grandmother was. I hope she can also carry the memories of this wonderful lady.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Your Heart Will Burn: Scene 6, Ship Horizon
This scene is the first day aboard the Ship Horizon, or actually the first several days. It starts with everyone meeting everyone. I have Isaac meeting Langley and John Bailey. However I have since discovered they actually attended the same branch, and very likely traveled from Whitwick England to Liverpool to together. The first part concludes with the company singing "Friends for Life."
The second part establishes a relationship between Betsy Ashton and Isaac Wardle. It also sets up Peter McBride as being a tease of Mary Ashton. However I do not know if Isaac had a relationship with the Ashtons at this time but used artistic license. This section includes the song "Farewell to Thee England" which was a poem written aboard the Ship Horizon. It is put to a familiar hymn.
The scene concludes with a meeting lead by President Richards and Elder Martin. Robert McBride, who was the song leader, leads a song for the meeting. An interesting note is the delay the Horizon had. After being towed out to the river, some of the crew mutinied, and had to be replaced. The leadership would have been put together quickly, and a young man like Isaac would have had plenty to do. The meeting includes a cultural dance. The Horizon had members from Scotland and England. The first mate was described by John Jaques as a surly type of man. However he wooed one of the Mormon Women to marry him at the end of the voyage.
This section also includes the romance of Mary and William.
The second part establishes a relationship between Betsy Ashton and Isaac Wardle. It also sets up Peter McBride as being a tease of Mary Ashton. However I do not know if Isaac had a relationship with the Ashtons at this time but used artistic license. This section includes the song "Farewell to Thee England" which was a poem written aboard the Ship Horizon. It is put to a familiar hymn.
The scene concludes with a meeting lead by President Richards and Elder Martin. Robert McBride, who was the song leader, leads a song for the meeting. An interesting note is the delay the Horizon had. After being towed out to the river, some of the crew mutinied, and had to be replaced. The leadership would have been put together quickly, and a young man like Isaac would have had plenty to do. The meeting includes a cultural dance. The Horizon had members from Scotland and England. The first mate was described by John Jaques as a surly type of man. However he wooed one of the Mormon Women to marry him at the end of the voyage.
This section also includes the romance of Mary and William.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Isaac Wardle: Mission, Millennial Star
I received an email from Iva Beckstead which follows Isaac's mission in the Millennial Star, 1879.
Hi Billy,
I don't know if you have the following regarding Isaac John Wardle's mission, but I will include it in this email.
In the book Latter-Day Saints Millennial Star, Volume 41, 1879, M-205.5, page 106 in the Salt Lake City, Utah genealogy library it states “Arrivals – on Saturday, February 6, 1879, Elders John South and Isaac J. Wardle arrived at this port per S. S. Montana. They have been called on missions to this country and are now visiting their friends prior to being assigned to their fields of labor.” – European Mission – Great Britain.
Page 137 states “Elder Isaac J. Wardle is appointed a Traveling Elder in the Liverpool Conference.”
Page 173-74 states “Isaac was a traveling Elder from Liverpool at a conference held in Miners Hall, Millgate, Wigan, on Sunday March 2, 1879.” James L. Bunting was President of Liverpool Conference. Elder Wardle spoke at this conference . “Elder Wardle testified to the sameness of the spirit that was possessed by those who were true Saints here, with to that possessed by those that had gathered to Zion. The same spirit would be felt in all the assemblies of the Saints, so long as they sought to do the will of God. He encouraged the Saints to draw near unto God and He would overrule everything for their welfare.”
On page 435 it states, “A district meeting was held in Miner’s Hall, Wigan, Liverpool Conference on Sunday July 6, 1879.
“The first assemblage convened at 10:30 a.m. Elders from Utah on the Stand—John Nicholson, from the Millennial Star Office; James L. Bunting, President of, and I. J. Wardle, Ralph Smith, W. H. Haugh and L. R. Martineau, Traveling Elders in Liverpool Conference.
Meeting was called to order by Elder Wardle, President of the Wigan District. Singing. Prayer by Elder R. Smith. Singing. Sacrament was administered by Elders Marsh and Glover.
President Bunting made some preliminary remarks, explanatory of the duties of the priesthood and Saints. Brother Wardle reported the district as in a healthy, thriving condition, much energy, he said, being shown by the local priesthood and Saints in reference to the spreading of the work by preaching, distributing tracts and other means.”
On Page 549 in the Minutes of the Liverpool Conference held in the lower concert hall, Lord Nelson Street, on Sunday Aug. 17, 1879, Isaac John Wardle was there in attendance as a traveling Elder in which he gave the closing prayer.
Page 559 – Elder Isaac Wardle writes a letter to President William Budge from Runcorn on August 6, 1879.
“Dear Brother,--According to promise, I write to you concerning the condition of my health. It is about the same as when I last saw you. Brother Bunting thinks it would be advisable for me to go home. I feel myself that I am unable to cope with this climate another winter. I should like very much if I were able to stay and fully accomplish the mission to which I have been called, but it seems my health will not admit of it.
I thank you for the kind consideration you have shown in my behalf, and the valuable instructions you have given me. I would like to go on the next ship, as I think it would be better for me to have a little time at home to recruit before winter sets in. I hope I have been able to do some good in this land. At least I have done no harm.
Your Brother in the Gospel,
Isaac J. Wardle”
In the same book, page 555 it says “Release on account of ill health Elder Isaac J. Wardle is released to return to Utah with the company that will leave Liverpool on September 6, 1879. William Budge, President of the European Mission.”
Hi Billy,
I don't know if you have the following regarding Isaac John Wardle's mission, but I will include it in this email.
In the book Latter-Day Saints Millennial Star, Volume 41, 1879, M-205.5, page 106 in the Salt Lake City, Utah genealogy library it states “Arrivals – on Saturday, February 6, 1879, Elders John South and Isaac J. Wardle arrived at this port per S. S. Montana. They have been called on missions to this country and are now visiting their friends prior to being assigned to their fields of labor.” – European Mission – Great Britain.
Page 137 states “Elder Isaac J. Wardle is appointed a Traveling Elder in the Liverpool Conference.”
Page 173-74 states “Isaac was a traveling Elder from Liverpool at a conference held in Miners Hall, Millgate, Wigan, on Sunday March 2, 1879.” James L. Bunting was President of Liverpool Conference. Elder Wardle spoke at this conference . “Elder Wardle testified to the sameness of the spirit that was possessed by those who were true Saints here, with to that possessed by those that had gathered to Zion. The same spirit would be felt in all the assemblies of the Saints, so long as they sought to do the will of God. He encouraged the Saints to draw near unto God and He would overrule everything for their welfare.”
On page 435 it states, “A district meeting was held in Miner’s Hall, Wigan, Liverpool Conference on Sunday July 6, 1879.
“The first assemblage convened at 10:30 a.m. Elders from Utah on the Stand—John Nicholson, from the Millennial Star Office; James L. Bunting, President of, and I. J. Wardle, Ralph Smith, W. H. Haugh and L. R. Martineau, Traveling Elders in Liverpool Conference.
Meeting was called to order by Elder Wardle, President of the Wigan District. Singing. Prayer by Elder R. Smith. Singing. Sacrament was administered by Elders Marsh and Glover.
President Bunting made some preliminary remarks, explanatory of the duties of the priesthood and Saints. Brother Wardle reported the district as in a healthy, thriving condition, much energy, he said, being shown by the local priesthood and Saints in reference to the spreading of the work by preaching, distributing tracts and other means.”
On Page 549 in the Minutes of the Liverpool Conference held in the lower concert hall, Lord Nelson Street, on Sunday Aug. 17, 1879, Isaac John Wardle was there in attendance as a traveling Elder in which he gave the closing prayer.
Page 559 – Elder Isaac Wardle writes a letter to President William Budge from Runcorn on August 6, 1879.
“Dear Brother,--According to promise, I write to you concerning the condition of my health. It is about the same as when I last saw you. Brother Bunting thinks it would be advisable for me to go home. I feel myself that I am unable to cope with this climate another winter. I should like very much if I were able to stay and fully accomplish the mission to which I have been called, but it seems my health will not admit of it.
I thank you for the kind consideration you have shown in my behalf, and the valuable instructions you have given me. I would like to go on the next ship, as I think it would be better for me to have a little time at home to recruit before winter sets in. I hope I have been able to do some good in this land. At least I have done no harm.
Your Brother in the Gospel,
Isaac J. Wardle”
In the same book, page 555 it says “Release on account of ill health Elder Isaac J. Wardle is released to return to Utah with the company that will leave Liverpool on September 6, 1879. William Budge, President of the European Mission.”
Friday, October 5, 2012
Isaac Wardle Missionary Letters 1
I have gotten a c.d. of Isaac's letters and documents from Michael Wardle, of Boise who descends from Isaac and Sophia. The letters were written during his mission, mostly to reassure his family that he was fine. As I look through them I am impressed with Isaac's love for his wives and his children. His testimony is also apparent. It is difficult to transcribe them. This is due to time, and misspelled words. Michael transcribed one from later in his mission, and I have done one from when he was traveling to England. I hope to add more letters overtime.
Note from IJW to family
Transcribed as written by Isaac John Wardle
Note from IJW to family
Transcribed as written by Isaac John Wardle
Saturday Morning
Jan 25 1879
Dear families
Than god that we are getting along wer at 30 miles fro hom. We shall be in Pitbuge at dine
Start for New York at 1 here That you are well as it leves me I lan at Wright for we ar gaine so sust I J Wardle
[Some unintelligible] to you I shall Dd the Best My health is been goo ever sinc I left home keep your selves in good Cheer concern me go is with us.
LTRfromIJW August 7, 1879
Transcribed as written by Isaac John Wardle
Ag 7, 1879
Digmore____, Lancshire, ED
Page 1:To my Dere Wives and Children good morning to you one and all i hope that you are all well at this time i ham very glad to tell you that my halth is much beter
than i have been for some time thank you i have been in the hands of very fine friends i make mantin up Bro and sister Marsh and Wiltsen at Wigen all John Tinsely and Glover Newtune and sis Ruebotem up holen and Bro and Sister Derby shire at Dig more and many others is far as they can make me comfeble. ___ Wich i feel thankful to hallmity God that he as bee so minful of me as to rase up friends to minester to me in time of need and i hope and pray that God will bles them for evry thank that they have to comfort me Page 2: in my affliction thrue wich [which] i have past so far i have been relest from been pr___ of the Wigen District on the count of my halth and a priside over the Chester District to wich place i have been once pres----- Budas and Bunting told me to travle eney whare thout proper for 1 or 2 wheaks but thay Wood Like me to bee in Liverpool at Confrenc on the 17 this climit is very ingures to meney of the Elders it as Raned all this Wheak We had 4 or 5 Days Dry Wather the last 2 Wheaks. 4 Days before that Whe only had some 4 or 5 Days that Whe sawe the sune it ranes most all the time i Do not see how the Erth Drinks all the Water that comes frome abouve it looks Like the judgements of God as Come in this land i hope that Page 3: the Lord will gather out is sant before the grate deluge sahll come on the wicked for i can see them coming very fast I meant then that I spoken of in the 18th Chaper of Ravelations it wood be good for our yongment to reed that chapter and to infom themselves with pidetions of the servants of God I have injoyed myself very much in my labers traveling and preaching to sants and I tell you I never felt haper in all my life than I due in speeking to those have no met the gospel of god In the haper have our outdore meetings as been very well atended We little oppsition but that nothing is honly halp to make us to prepare ourselves for the work of God and to put our trust in him We feel Page 4: that he as even been with the larned minersters come to aprose us We come of victims and we have had frandes in every place to we have been ____ for God as given us his spirit so fam I recved my sone John later Dated July 6: I was glad that he felt to due all that he cood to make me and my famaly comfortile I was sorey to larne the ___ of sheep but I thout like Page 5: Do not du enething to heart one another feelings compety another all you can I feel in my harte to bles you all and ask God to bless you and I hope that you will perserved from all the snares that besets monttes heare on erth I wood be glad to see you all but wate till the right time shall come I shall righte you before long infrome you hou my halth is I have not wrote much to you lattely on account of my halth I home that you and all my breathen will forgive me for it tell all the nebers I have not forgot them I wood be glat to hear from them eney time Page 6: I expect to right to meney of them When I can set at a table the resene is that I can not have got pane in my breast and kidneys I can walk beter than set doune to right bee of good Cheer all will be right with me I get a later from J A Clever the other day tell him I feel thankfull it I will right mim as soom as I can I must conclue with my love and efeclen to you all thake care of the Baby send me word how he is good by God bless you all is the prare of your husbend and father Isaac J Wardle
Bee good Children all right to farther a little peace in a later if no more make a x
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Your Heart Will Burn: Act 2 scene 6 Brigham Young
This scene dramatizes general conference October 1856. The theme of this conference was to rescue the Saints still on the plains. Brigham Young had just learned the day before conference that there were companies still on the plains.
This prior post is a better description of the history.
This is a productions of the Stevens Creek Ward, Ted Dorff portrays Brigham Young and Stan Dye President Franklin Richards. The narrator is Ashley Orton.
This prior post is a better description of the history.
This is a productions of the Stevens Creek Ward, Ted Dorff portrays Brigham Young and Stan Dye President Franklin Richards. The narrator is Ashley Orton.
Rescue of the Handcart Companies 1856; Brigham Young
Brigham Young must have approached the general conference with heavy heart. He had been informed the day before that close to 2000 immigrants were on the plains, two handcart companies, two wagon companies, several freight companies. It was already early October.
Brighan Young had met with church leaders the evening before to discuss what was needed. The handcart plan was established with the idea that the Saints would be met on the plains with resupply wagons. This was lacking, and the handcart companies would be facing starvation rations.
And so Brigham Young introduced the theme of the conference:
"I will now give this people the subject and the text for the Elders who may speak today and during the conference. It is this. On the 5th day of October, 1856, many of our brethren and sisters are on the plains with handcarts, and probably many are now seven hundred miles from this place, and the must be brought here, we must send assistance to them. The text will be, 'to get them here.' I want the brethren who may speak to understand that their text is the people on the plains. And the subject matter for this community is to send for them and bring them in before winter sets in.
That is my religion; that is the dictation of the Holy Ghost that I possess. It is to save the people. This is the salvation I am now seeking for. To save our brethren that would be apt to perish, or suffer extremely, if we do not send them assistance...
I will tell you all that your faith, religion, and profession of religion, will never save one sould of you in the Celestial Kingdom of our God, unless you carry out just such principles as I am now teaching you. Go and bring in those people now on the plains."
An so was put into motion one of the greatest rescue operations of the Mormon migration. The rescuers would be successful in bringing many Saints to the valley, while over 200 of them would die along the trail. By the time the meeting had concluded men were making preparations to be part of the rescue. Women removed underlinens to donate to the cause.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Book Review: Riverton Stake Materials, Second Rescue
When I visited Donna Olsen, my cousin in Riverton, WY, she took us to Martin's Cove. (This was before the visitor center.) She also took us to the Riverton Stake Center and copied a bunch of materials for me--stories and minutes with regards to the Martin and Willie Handcart Companies; first and second rescues. I was left with a big packet of materials, including short synopsis Isaac's life, a day-by-day account of the Handcart Company and their rescue after they hit the snow. This includes journal information. It keeps the Martin and Willie Companies separate, while telling the story of where each company was on a particular date.
This packet also included information of the second rescue, which resulted in over 4000 temple ordinances being done. Many of the pioneers had passed away, and their temple work had not been done. This included baby Sarah Anne Ashton, who was born on the trek, and lived a couple of weeks only. This included dedicatory prayers, firesides, minutes of a special stake wide sacrament meeting, other interesting materials.
I used this material mostly when I wrote the musical, but have enjoyed the talks and prayers around the dedication of the monuments.
This packet also included information of the second rescue, which resulted in over 4000 temple ordinances being done. Many of the pioneers had passed away, and their temple work had not been done. This included baby Sarah Anne Ashton, who was born on the trek, and lived a couple of weeks only. This included dedicatory prayers, firesides, minutes of a special stake wide sacrament meeting, other interesting materials.
I used this material mostly when I wrote the musical, but have enjoyed the talks and prayers around the dedication of the monuments.
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